in #life6 years ago

An interesting book that touched for a live film, a profile of a successful person in Instagram - and you are already inspired, charged with energy and ready to turn mountains. It's easy to set a goal, start making steps to it and not stop - it's a different story.
The good news is that, contrary to popular belief, motivation can be controlled. There are proven ways by which you can remain inspired to turn mountains on your way to the conceived, even when it seems that the whole world is against you. In this article on How to Green, we'll talk about how to step beyond the idea and not stop halfway to its implementation.
Tip # 1. Remember about "What the hell?" - effect
If you have already overcome procrastination and laziness, it would seem that everything should be easy. The first step is made, only a couple of actions remain, and success will be achieved. However, behind the first "enemies" of motivation, a few more are revealed. Meet "What the hell?" - effect. Suppose you decide to make yourself a sugar detox and give up desserts for a month, but one day at lunch break and eat a chocolate bar. On the same day, you are treated to a cake or a cafe, you will see a cake on your eyes, and at this moment your brain will begin to come up with excuses that look something like this: "What the hell is it to refuse? Sweet today was already, the day is still spoiled, so you can still have a little sweet. " Initially, this effect was found in dietary studies, but it can become a brake in achieving any of your other goals. Departing from the plan once, we subconsciously justify ourselves and eventually turn off the path. Therefore, taking a step to the side, do not criticize or justify yourself. Just analyze what caused this behavior, and, having made the appropriate conclusions for the future, return to the path to the goal.
Tip # 2: Share your achievements
Contrary to the prevailing superstitious opinion, one can not simply share his successes, but even need them. Studies at the University of South Carolina show that telling a close circle of friends about your goals is already bringing you closer to achieving it. Nobody wants to fall into the mud with his face, therefore, when you announce your intentions aloud, you increase your motivation and are unlikely to give up at the first difficulties. The results of another study clearly demonstrated that people who simply thought about their goals reached them in less than 50% of cases. While those who wrote down goals and shared their plans with friends, approached 75% of the success.
Tip # 3: Use psychological tricks
This is something that will remind you why you started your journey to the goal. Choose the option that works best for you. It can be a large poster or collage with detailed visualization of your dreams, various to do-lists, a detailed plan with the distribution of actions on complexity, breakdown of the main task into small ones and so on. We constantly hear or read about these methods, but very rarely anyone actually uses them, which is very in vain. Such psychological tricks allow you to strengthen self-control, program your subconscious mind and multiply the probability that you will move closer to your goal with each passing day.
Tip # 4: Enjoy the Challenges
Have you ever heard the expression: "What does not kill us makes us stronger"? To understand what we really are capable of, we need to challenge ourselves. Then a healthy dose of positive stress, called in the scientific community "eustress", is produced. According to the studies of the University of Lyons, in small quantities, stress is natural and useful. The hormone norepinephrine at the right level stimulates the production of neurotrophins, which strengthen the connections between neurons and brain cells, contributing to its work. In other words, eustress stimulates vital energy, which allows you to feel a slight excitement and helps you better focus on the task. In addition, enjoying the challenges that you throw yourself, you make important not only your dream, but also the path to it.

Tip # 5: Measure your progress
It is very important to see progress. For example, daily posting articles in your telegram channel and not seeing a rapid increase in subscribers, the desire to try to disappear, and the motivation will not remain a trace. Therefore, at the end of a certain period, for example, a week or a month, carefully study the work done and analyze the statistics. So you will understand that, probably, in fact everything is not as bad as you thought. And the number of subscribers is slow, but growing. Or you will see which direction is more relevant and in demand, and adjust your goals and objectives. By the way, studies show that assessing your own progress is the key factor necessary to maintain the state of motivation.
Our main advice is: do not give up. With immense desire, with passion, with zeal, give yourself the idea of ​​achieving a dream. It is likely that somewhere along the way you will want to quit, especially if the results are not obvious, but this does not mean that you are standing still. Continue to move forward and find motivation, because right now you can be just a few steps away from success.

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