What do you do Fridays after work?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I know what I do. Friday after work is "me" time.

The time when I am alone in a coffee shop, sipping my latte and reading my book. This Friday was not an exception to the rule. My favourite place to visit in a coffee shop in a shopping mall near my home. Well, if I said I drink my coffee and read my book, I was not entirely honest. A big part of my stay in the coffee shop is to watch people - the most interesting animal on earth.

This Friday I did not have a book. My son borrowed my Kindle with the book I am reading and never gave it back. Luckily for me, I could read Steemit on my mobile phone. I started with the "Trending" posts. I saw that @fyrstikken (when I pronounce it, it sounds like the Afrikaans word for when something got stuck in your throat) is warning us about the lies said to us over the TV. As a camera operator and one who convinced school kids to empty a supermarket's sweets shelf while he was still in school (I am impressed), can be regarded as an expert. I say thanks @fyrstikken. I am paranoid as hell. Andrew Grove of Intel wrote a book with this title and no I have not read it. I am just paranoid. Then I found the post of @complexring who warns us against studies and that it is a waste of time. He provides me with revelation after I have already sent my daughter to varsity - it is not helping. There is also a warning in the Bible that a lot of studies makes you tired. He must have a point. Who am I to argue against a Ph.D. I tried to read @pauls post about the Ethereum fork and that it is a good thing. I got some ethers and cloud mining contracts and therefore this should be interesting to me, but I am not techie enough to understand the detail of his explanation. Thanks anyway @pauls.

The girl that walk past my table caught my eye. As a matter of fact, she got the attention of all the men in the vicinity. I am sure she is single, because if she were not there would have been someone to tell that she cannot go out in the public looking like that. And then the hair is dyed grey. Honestly, grey! Why does she want to look 20 years older? And did the youth now even taken the last thing our senior citizens have left...

Time to spend some time on the "active" tag. In the post of @calmavida, she feels grateful to be accepted by the Steemit community. If I look at the upvotes and replies she received, I also would feel grateful. But, welcome @calmavida. I am sure you will enjoy it with us. You have already established a good presence for yourself. Then I see some USA politics when @splatterhaus feels that if Hillary becomes president, the villains of the world will be ruling the planet. I am a Trump man, but this does not count for anything because I live in South Africa. We are used to corruption in parliament. Our president can write the book "Corruption in government for Dummies" - he fits the whole title. Then a fascinating picture got my attention with @tokyodude who shows us how the Japanese bikini looks. Why bother putting on clothes. @tokyodude you deserve an upvote!

An old lady shuffles past my table. She is so old that for a moment I thought I was in a morgue instead of a mall. I once read a book of a hundred-year-old man who got up and walk away (this is the whole title of the book). It looks like his wife is looking for him.

Ok, now I need to go home. But first a bunch of flowers for the wife. It helps to smooth out all those unexpected surprises which might be waiting for me at home.

Until next time.

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