7 life changing tips

in #life6 years ago


Do you want to be successful and harmonious? Want to see a change in fate? Then learn about the spiritual laws and be sure to observe them. You will be simply amazed by the effect!

Everything physical in this world exists as a consequence of what is happening in the spiritual world. There are certain laws by which everything exists and moves. Whether you know about these laws or not, believe in them or not, they still exist, function and constantly influence you, whether you like it or not.
Do you want to be successful and harmonious? Want to see a change in fate? Then learn about the spiritual laws and be sure to observe them. You will be simply amazed by the effect!

The law of sowing and harvesting
"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. "(Bible: Galatians 6: 7). This is one of the most important and major spiritual laws. It is also known as the "law of cause and effect." Whatever we have done or said, we will certainly return to us.
And on another does not happen. If you constantly sow a negative to people, in life, to yourself - expect the same harvest. But if you want happiness, peace and love, then bring it into the environment! And you will necessarily reap!
And the most surprising is that the grown fruit is always bigger in size than the seed that was sown in it. Presenting someone a smile, you will get a good mood for the whole day. If you donate even a penny, you will definitely get back finances, but in multiple amounts. It works! It's just worth reviewing what seeds you sow on both the emotional and physical levels.

The Law of Creation
"And God created man in his image, in the image of God" (Bible: Genesis 1:27). God is the Creator of people. And in every man He put this ability to create. First you create something in your thoughts, and then it goes into the physical world. You come up with something, nurture an idea, and then embody it in a material way! Therefore, it is VERY IMPORTANT to follow what you are thinking about. According to scientific calculations, during the day about 10,000 thoughts sweep through the person's head. Which of them do you use to create and create something useful for yourself and the world? Or do you constantly scroll through the negative in your head and wonder why in your life some failures? Think positively, create your thinking, and get your beautiful reality.

The law of humility
"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble" (Bible: James 4: 6). Sometimes, to move on, you just have to accept and calm down. Often, only in peace is the right decision and direction for the future path. Very often, in the race for any purpose, we give ourselves, fight, go ahead, but in the end ... burn out, physically and emotionally, not even reaching the one hundredth part of the desired . It is impossible to achieve everything and always. This is pride and vanity. Such people in their lives stumble against the opposition of Divine support. Just accept that you are not omnipotent and will receive grace (that is, undeserved goodness) from above for your life.

The Law of Thanksgiving
"For all, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you" (Bible: 1 Thessalonians 5:18). Have you woken up to be healthy this morning? Thank you! Do you have a roof over your head, food and security? It's fine! Do you have a million and your dreams come true? But even if something went wrong, find something for which you can be grateful. Learn to find happiness in small things! It will be great to support you in difficult times and help you survive them with minimal loss of nerves.

The law of love
"Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who afflict you and persecute you." (Bible: Matthew 5: 44). LTD! This is VERY hard! Sometimes it even seems that it is IMPOSSIBLE! BUT! You do not even know what miracles happen when we sincerely try to give good to those who do not deserve it at all! I will tell an example. Several years ago, in the former work, one person for no reason began aggressively behaving towards me. It was very unpleasant and insulting.
Given that there are no visible reasons for such an attitude was not. But I, as a person living according to God's principles, just stepped on my throat with my own emotions and started praying for him, asking God for him all the best and wonderful! Surprise was beyond me when a couple of days a man came up to me and AT ALL apologized for his behavior. For all this was a thunder from the blue! And only I understood why this happened. Do not save in yourself anger, give it to the High Judge.

The Law of Forgiveness
"Farewell, and be forgiven" (Bible: Luke 6:37). The power of forgiveness is one of the strongest. Forgiving someone who really hurt or wounded - you throw off the load, preventing you to move on and be happy yourself. There is a wonderful phrase "Unforgiveness is similar to the fact that you drank a glass of poison and wait until your opponent dies." How accurate! Who is worse? You or someone you can not forgive? There are times when you hold a grudge against a person, and he does not know about it at all, living a happy life. Do the same! Forgive and live HAPPY AND FREE!

Law of Faith
"Faith is the fulfillment of the things hoped for and the assurance of the unseen." (Bible: Hebrews 11: 1). So, what you expect in your life - you believe in it. What you are sure, even without seeing it - you believe in it. Very simply. Do you expect that you will be fired, you will get sick, a crisis will break out, relations will break up? Congratulations! This is your faith! Are you sure that big business is waiting for you, dreams will come true and you will get a speedy recovery? Excellent! You believe that. And it says "ALL (!) POSSIBLE (!) BELIEVE (!)". You understand? ALL! It is not said that "a little", but EVERYTHING! So expect good. Be sure that everything will be fine. And get it "good" in your life. I truly believe that your life will change. I wish that everyone reading these lines not only received an understanding of the importance of living according to the spiritual laws that God commanded, but actually began to LIVE on them, receiving miracles and changed fates! I wish you peace in your soul, abundance and success in everything!

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