Keys to mental peace everyone knows but very few follow

in #life7 years ago

Humans have come a long way from being primates to a highly evolved species capable of launching spaceships in the outer space. Sure, we achieved many feats that helped our race in becoming better, but all this somehow destroyed the mental calmness for almost all of us (barring a few people and the monks). Why is it so that even the most accomplished person is suffering with a constant mental chatter and is not able to lead a happy and calm life despite 'owning' everything. Well, our modern day life comes with a fare share of stress. Is stress that evil as it's portrayed? The answer is yes and no. No, because a mild constructive form of tension keeps you in that zone when you are highly productive, and yes because some of us get into this habit of always being tensed without any valid reason. So, what's the solution to all this? Well, I am pretty sure, 80 percent of you reading this are already aware of it, but very few implement it. The most important key to all this is the implementation. So, without any further ado, let's start with the things that we need to implement in life for a jovial journey on this sphere already afloat in the vast spaces :)

1. Learn how to lose control and not be scared of it

Everyone wants to be control at all the time. Even while sleeping, they get scared of bad dreams and want to have a control over that. Right from the beginning of the day in the morning till the time they go to bed and even after that they want everything to be control. Let us all learn and etch this fact in our mind that letting go of control is not a bad thing and it should not be terrify you in any way. If you focus too hard to hold a grip of others perception about you, then that's going to bring more misery than anything else desired. In fact, try to liberate yourself from all the shackles be it mental or physical. Do things that scare you, challenge yourself. That way you get out of your comfort zone and can do things that you never realized you could do. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and see the beauty of the randomness. After all we all are random beings made of random atoms trying to make sense of everything. Everything needs not be streamlined as per you, rather you should enjoy the 'Vs' and 'As' of life with same passion.

2. Talk to yourself

Talking to others is so mainstream in our society that at times we forget the self talk. Why is it important? The main benefit of self talk is when you talk to yourself then you know who you are at that moment of time and that's a benchmark of brutal honesty of you with you. When you are honest to yourself, all your decisions will be optimal. At times when we are not honest to ourselves, we are not us and our decisions get poisoned by several other factors. But, on the contrary when you are honest to yourself, then you have this moment of truth when you can't lie to your instincts and motivations. When you are a self fibster, it might feel safe and comforting for sometime, but in the long run you are just busy building sand castles capable of fighting earth quakes and tsunami. Just, wild fascinations right? Yes, totally, so be honest to yourself and others and you shall know peace. You know what's the best part about not lying, you don't have to recall while talking, because the same information needs to be delivered everywhere :) Pleasant, isn't it?

3. Be in Present

Out of all the skill that one may master in life to have a happy life is living in the present. If you look closely, there is no future and no past. Past is something that happened, future is something that's about to happen. You can't do anything about the past because that's gone and you can't predict the future because it's not there yet. But, if you stay in present then you will make the most of this time called as NOW! What this shall achieve for you is super god level concentration and effort in what ever you do and thus indirectly it also shapes your tomorrows to come. What a brilliant thing to do right, staying in the moment? Yet, most of us are either crying for the past or worrying about the future. So, please take this suggestion very clearly and try being in present as much as possible. Practice the art of mindfulness and you will feel such a bliss that you might never have had in life. Trust me on this!

4. Treat yourself the best way possible

When we meet a failure and things don't go the way we expect, we become our worst critic. And this ladies and gentleman is coming from a personal experience, haha! Something bad happened and was it directly related to you? First thing first shrug it off, get relaxed, sit down, have a cup of tea and then think with a constructive mind set. The thing is when you start the criticizing process the positivism goes out for a toss and you start cursing yourself and feel that everything about you is bad, which is totally wrong. Even a broken watch tells correct time twice a day, right? So, the best approach should be appreciate your effort and then track the pit falls that happened on the way. This approach shall reinforce the effort and next time you might succeed. Every failure is a stepping stone to a success to come, so don't over criticize, rather analyse and act :)

5. Follow your radical instinct

I know for sure that most you are totally aware of the things that are written in this post, but execution is shaky for almost all of you. Why does this happen is a really vast topic and demands a different post which I shall keep for later. But, for now try to implement the things you know. Without any implementation, no idea is worth. If you don't implement anything, that's merely a mental fart based on what kind of thought you digest everyday. So, start digesting healthy thoughts and defecate the ideas, let them be your manure and cultivate beautiful things for your life. For the starters follow at least any three things written here in the post for next 21 days and you shall notice a remarkable difference in outlook and attitude towards life.

Namaste and Peace!

That's all for now folks, if you loved my writing make sure to up vote, comment, re-steem and subscribe to my account, thank you all



Well said...valid points...just woke up...anxious thoughts racing through my mind...feel body getting all "revved" up as if something is going to attack me at any I gaze out of my window and see the beginning sun rise hidden behind wispy clouds...slowly sip my coffee tasting fully each sip...take some in the now...

Thanks for the appreciation bob! Mind is a very powerful organic machine. The thing with the mind is it's a pretty bad master and an awesome slave. So, it's our duty to keep it in control, when we keep it in our clutches then we can make it do wonderful feats :) The quick idea and gist of it all being, have a control over thought ripples and observe them from a distance and then calmly ignore those. When a chatter is ignored somehow brain drops that thing. Just like how a small kid keeps on doing it's drama the more attention you pay, same thing goes with mind as well :) In mine case observe and drop the idea if it's not worth attention, works perfectly fine and most of the times :)

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