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RE: Empath Protection Methods

in #life7 years ago

I have one idea that voids all this, and also makes it possible.

Nothing can happen against your will, anything you think can happen, does.

Most live unconsciously, that is why they don't understand what happens. they also accept the reality society gave to them, therefor experience life as it has been predetermined it would be.

So I take the only form of protection I think you need, Faith that there is only one power in the universe, God the Good Omnipotent. For me, God isn't a far off concept, but a here and now reality in which we live. God literally is all things, including you and me. Darkness is an illusion, its power is wholly derived from our belief in it, to empower the darkness is to live in fear.

Anything that takes you out of fear is good, we must do what we can, with what we have, where we are. but ultimately, I also seek the highest truth..

I need nothing. (and consider that for a moment, I literally need nothing to exist in order to exist, so the darkness, the not God, must exist for existence)

so I like all the things you've mentioned, if they help me to get my mind clear of fear... but I don't like the dependency this creates. I'd prefer to do it without outside objects.


Hi there @klevn, thank you for taking the time to read my post and make a thoughtful comment. This is not fit the faint of heart. So when you read my post whom I call Pops, is God to me and oh Yes do I believe in him and speak to him and know my job that is in connection to Him. So if you had your doubts about that then be comforted to know He is very much alive in my life. The words Light, Beings, job, acceptance are all words used in conjunction with Him.
So, you believe in God but not Satan or darkness or Devil. You are one of the first in many years I have come across that does not acknowledge when there is light there is dark.
Sometimes fear is derived from seeing things (given as certain abilities) and not understanding how to handle these gifts.
If you can do battle without objects, then great! I have not many people who are given abilities that can. So as in my first couple of paragraphs mention, this article is for them.
I do a lot of work that only people who work heavily in the same field may understand. I have found these people already on Steemit and in the world. I do not need anyone to accept my words. The ones that do, will come and this will be here waiting for them. xx🦅

does not acknowledge when there is light there is dark.

darkness is absence of light, it is literally no-thing. it is an illusion, shine your light on it, and it goes away.

I do not need anyone to accept my words.

i'm trying to point at the ultimate truth, i wouldn't say your way doesn't work, but that the ritual around setting mind in order may be avoided, if we can cut to the heart of it. until that time, the rituals are sure to help, but I am saddened when people think they 'need' these things to be happy, secure, and joyful.

@klevn light/dark a matter of experience. I’m not here to argue or debate.
I understand 100 what you are saying, you are not speaking truth you are speaking your own reality. For many of us doing the work this is very much the truth.
You do not have the same abilities so how can you speak on the subject? It is a known fact amongst those doing this work that these forms of protection actually work.
There are many people out here suffering, believing they are suffering from mental diseases and many other issues when in fact they are being attacked. The only time I have encountered someone speaking as you are, it is by someone who has no idea what I’m talking about. They do not do spiritual work, do not feel, so not see, do not hear. This is a perspective of someone who actually takes and does not give. Huge difference. If you do not agree, that is okay but just move on. Those who do the work recognize immediately and Know what I’m talking about to be true. When you finally experience the dark someday, I will be here to help. You will need someone like me. Blessings.

these forms of protection actually work.

i understand that they work, i'm not denying, I'm asking you to look at why, why does it work, can it be seen from a different perspective.

mental diseases and many other issues when in fact they are being attacked.

gives room for victim identity, and that suffering is not of your own creation...

The only time I have encountered someone speaking as you are, it is by someone who has no idea what I’m talking about. They do not do spiritual work, do not feel, so not see, do not hear.

don't take your previous encounter into this one. i am not that person.

This is a perspective of someone who actually takes and does not give.

how do you figure? i give freedom, true freedom, from all dependency, it is all your own doing. waking up to this fact changed my world. it requires nothing but to go inside and be silent and still, to reconnect with the divine inside. there is nothing more liberating than that.

Those who do the work recognize immediately and Know what I’m talking about to be true.

if conditions are created by us, then when others recreate it... it is not proof of anything. there are those that worship darkness that swear by it as well.

When you finally experience the dark someday, I will be here to help.

i've already gone thru it. i just about killed myself to get out. if i hadn't discovered the divine connection we all have... i wouldn't be here. because I saw no way to happiness, but with Faith I found Truth... and that truth has grown inside me, and like you know what you know, I know what I know from experience. I am not debating, you are not debating, that is clear, we are discussing each others perspectives. mine encompasses yours, yours denies mine, i find that very interesting. mine doesn't need defence, it just needs recognition that we are all divine creators of our own world. it will always be true, no matter what.

I am glad you are happy with your path, if you find my opinion offensive I can stop posting here. I simply write what my perspective is. I am very blunt, I am direct, and I don't mean anything personally. i do hope I am clear and concise.

If I may chime in here. @klevn I really see your point of view. I agree we need to see the bright side of things and there are many good things.
I was introduces to "dark things" so to speak a few years ago. I don't seek them out. I am as positive as I can be. I work hard on being neutral because I know I can choose how I react to any situation. With that said I also see that there are always two sides to everything. There is no light without dark, positive without negative etc. Energy is the same there are two sides.

There is more going on in this world than most people realize. Maybe there are some of us that are here to witness and deal with this so that others don't have to.

In the end I have my reality, you have yours and @eaglespirit has hers. They may interchange and they may not. Each however is real (in my opinion). Perception is an amazing thing.

With that said I also see that there are always two sides to everything.

i don't think there is an opposite to God/source. there is no opposition, and I think this is a very big point. God can't lose. The light doesn't ask darkness to leave, you turn it on, darkness is gone. it was never really a thing, just a condition.

In the end I have my reality, you have yours and @eaglespirit has hers. They may interchange and they may not. Each however is real (in my opinion). Perception is an amazing thing.

yes, and I'm saying my way of creating reality is preferable because it gives all the power to you, and removes all the power from would be attackers.

i'm seeking to end victim identity of all types. i'm no saint, i'm just a man doing his best given what I understand, but logic is my strong point... and boiling down concepts to their core truth is what I do. here I'm simply reacting from that point of view, given the way I see the world, wouldn't it be better if... we did it this way or that way?

and I feel I can defend my ideas, because they are logically sound, and speak to my heart. i'm totally willing to adjust my thinking when confronted with new life experience.

people just get so caught up in their ideas that it feels like a death when they are challenged. i've been letting go much of my own ideology, i too get so caught up. now I'm trying to return without the same ego investment, perhaps i'm still failing at that.

take care, thanks for the response.

You are not challenging me at all, I see right through your posts and eventually Maybe in your evolvement you will understand. At this point you are not there yet. I read you like an open book. All you are doing is spreading narcissistic behavior on my post. If you wish to speak about your experience then post your own info. If you had respected my request you would not have argued or thoughts yoh were teachings am expeeinced Teacher. No respect at all. You are not clear and concise you are argumentative and Antagonistic. Period. That said, leav ethis Space and move on.

you call me antagonistic, you maybe right, but with each of your posts, you are challenging me, calling me out, saying I don't know what I am talking about. I've never said that about you.

I see right through your posts and eventually Maybe in your evolvement you will understand.

this is a superior attitude, you are looking down on me, and yes my ego took offense, it attack, as egos do. i'm sorry. some part of me thinks i'm doing good by pointing things out.

i'm sorry you took offense, I will work on my approach, i realize my language is overly combative, I don't know where i got that from, I will work on my tone.

take care dear eaglespirit, I will leave your space.

Thanks for the wonderful chat. Much to ponder.
Much love and light

@carey-page, it may be perspective however I find more that have lived what I have than not. Others tend to no time really ne who they think they are. Empaths, psychics just Know. the Love And Light people are not real.

the Love And Light people are not real.

my awakening happened after 9-11-01 .. i don't call myself anything. it is what I feel is true.

my understanding includes you, yours excludes me.

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