The Start of a New Journey

in #life5 years ago

Hello Dear Steemians, 

In 2008, a mysterious genius gifted us with the concept of blockchain technology and suddenly a strong community grew around to undertake the task of extending this technology to various other aspects. I was a bit late to join the party. It picked my interest anyhow at some point of time and before I knew, I was researching it thoroughly, and even traded it for a while. Earned some, lost some. 

After I stumbled upon the concepts of Dapps and the fact that it goes way beyond cryptocurrency, a desire sprung in me to want to develop Dapps, and naturally I began researching various other blockchain systems. This is how I came to know about Steemit and this community. 

I am an undergraduate student, who has spent most of my time in studying academics, and as a developer. At first, my developer instinct kicked off. But now, I want to take this opportunity to develop my hobbies, expressing my opinions and thoughts through my mere writing skills. I am not skillful and this is my first time blogging or writing anything like this. Well, I am filled with great anticipation for this. Anyways, it was my new year resolution - that I want to develop a hobby which I can enjoy and become productive at the same time. 

At times, I've had many thoughts and ideas, but never really put them into words. Never shared them with anyone. I want to take this opportunity to improve my writing skills and broaden my visions.

Unexpressed thoughts can become a burden or a puzzle and loneliness. But when let out, not only will we feel better but maybe become a glimmer of light for someone else. Expressing and sharing them will be the first step forward, and one will free oneself from the prison of thougths of his own creation. 

Sharing thoughts and a meaningful discussion with someone else will broaden outlook and perspectives. This will enrich knowledge, improve understanding. Discussions can let you have a  close look at the other of the coin that you are not able reach but someone else had a peek at.

I sincerely want your feedback, because that is what will make me familiar with my shortcomings for me to remove or may be an encouragement for me that I can do this and keep it up. I welcome my shortcomings the most. I want you to please let me know about my shortcomings bluntly. May it be as sever as some wrong misconception or belief or may it be as trivial as the typing error, or grammatical mistakes, I want you to tell me about them. I believe, 

There are so many ways to make mistakes, let us try them all. But never repeat the same mistake twice, or it will be boring.

Topics that I am thinking of writing here are of life lessons. Although I am young, I want to figure out various principles and rules of life. I want to consider various situations and analyze them in terms of principles, ethics and values. I hope I can get a great response from my fellow Steemians.


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