To ALL the Steemit Parents - Bullying at School

in #life6 years ago

Hi to all my Steemian friends

I hope you have all had an amazing week, It's "Black Friday" and I am staying indoors and away from the masses of people. It has been a crazy week, it is full moon tonight which means insomnia for me and mood swings all round. So, seeing that I am in a sensitive mood, and we have had some bullying trouble at my kids' kindergarten, this is a topic that I am going to talk about today, and I hope that those with older kids can give those of us with smaller ones some advice and insight........

Meet Mishka (4) and Vilko (2), these are my 2 cherubs! They are my world as I am sure your kids are yours. Both of them have strong personalities, however, they are both very sensitive! Especially Mishka. She is naughty, as most 4 year olds are, she is cheeky and she can be quite rude when given the opportunity. However, she goes to a kindergarten where there is a child, her age, and she is quite sweet, but she's a bully! I am friends with one of the moms at the school and she sent me a photo of what this other little girl did to her 6 year old daughter,yes she bullies the bigger kids too! So there is this huge black bruise on this little girls eye! She goes home and her mother asks what happened and she told her. She said that this little girl beat her and that she didn't tell her teacher because her teacher wouldn't have done anything about it............ the mother was told when confronting the teacher that it was an accident and that they were playing, but another teacher told me that this child has been reported before for being violent towards other kids, but the mother also does nothing about it. She comes from a divorced family, which is terribly hard for a young child, but this does not mean that bullying is okay!

Mishka loved school, she couldn't wait to see her friends and to be with them, but for the last 2 weeks, Mishka is crying every morning when I take her to school, she won't let me go and makes me feel like I am abandoning her. This was a very sudden change in her behaviour and my maternal instinct is telling me that something is not right. I know kids go through stages, I know that they have their ups and downs, but this was literally one day she was fine and the next day she wasn't?????? So my alarm bells are ringing!!!!

Sad children make mommy and daddy sad, all that we want is to make sure that our children are happy and healthy, we all need to work together to raise our children as best as we can. However, kids go to school, they meet other kids who are being raised differently and I get that, I get that parents are busy and they don't have time, I understand that parents are stressed and that they can't always give their kids the attention that they need. However, we are responsible for this next generation, and if we REALLY want to make a difference in this world, I believe that we should raise our kids to be humanitarians, philanthropists and we should teach them the importance of loving one another. I think that if we can do this, we will have fewer corrupt politicians in this world.

So parents, how do you handle violence and your kid's school? And also, how do you handle disrespect from teachers when you confront them about things, about issues that you bring to their attention, but do nothing about and when you take matters into your own hands because nothing is being done, you get called in to be shat our from a dizzy height.........

I look forward to hearing all your advice! We are all learning and would really love to hear from some experienced parents on how to handle these types of situations...... We do the best that we can do and sometimes, sometimes we need a little help!

Have a kickass weekend gorgeous souls

Blessed Be

Kirsten Boic.jpg


Thank you everyone for your upvotes!!!! Much appreciated!

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