Articles of Life #1

in #life6 years ago (edited)

In this series I will touch ground with my experiences and give my personal thoughts on them. Maybe you can relate or learn something along this journey of articles. I want to touch base on a couple of subjects in this first installment. Such as life choices and taking chances. More recently what I have went through. So please take the time to read this.

Continueing this journey called life I've touched ground with feelings I left behind. Went through a couple changes. About two months ago I had made plans of moving farther south. Week or so later I had been hired at a job. Yes I quit that job but only after putting in my two weeks notice. Tried being transferred but the place down south is owned by a different company. Premeditated plans I fully intended on sticking to and so I did. Despite what people say I didn't move for a woman. I moved to better myself and my situation. The woman I fell in love with just happened to be there. More on that later as she plays a big role. Staying with a friend her and her daughter left state for spring break. Leaving, let's go with Miss Star for now, Miss Star and I at their house. During the week to ourselves we cleaned house as planned. Busting ass from basically sun up to sun down every day cleaning. Nerve racking and lots of irritation. By the time they got back the house was spotless and super clean and organized. Both completely wore out from busting ass all week, our Saturday night turned harsh. Fight broke out among Miss Star and our friend, nothing to the point of physical harm. During the confrontation I had to hold Miss Star back to prevent a physical harm to anyone. Once down of course it's human nature to get away. In this she bites my shoulder hard. You know no biggy on my end. I was warned more than once about holding her back. Glad I did so she didn't go to jail that night. Miss Star of course gets kicked out. I followed as anyone would do for the person they love. I don't care who you are, if you truly love the person you would follow and make sure they are okay and make it to their destination.

Thus begins part two of this article. I did not have to leave. But is very hypocritical to throw one person out and not the other for the exact same reason. Now after packing our things up we began our walk to London, Ky to the Waffle House. When I told her before we initially left "I'm coming with you" I already knew I had us a ride without even making a call. On our 18 mile walk to London I began 'thumbing' in hope someone out there would stop. In our bad luck streak and person turned around and dropped us off at the Waffle House. Both of us wore out and sleepy we stayed positive and kept our heads up. Shortly after my friend from two hours away picked us up. Upon arrival in Lexington, Ky, 3:36am EST to be exact, the motel that almost always has a room was closed since 7pm the night before. Which is unusual for they used to be open 24 hours. In our state of mind we walked on to a park. Getting inside the bathroom we rested our feet and was going to stay the night there. No one answered our messages so what else are we going to do? This park we were in is a bad park. Many violent crimes and drug addicts hang around there. So we ventured onward hoping for a different motel. Didn't go far before we said "fuck it" and stopped behind this old run down restaurant. Was a cold night with wind. So we unloaded our shopping cart of our belongings. Made a bed out of two blankets and used our third blanket to cover up with. Staying as warm as we could between snuggling close and breathing under the cover. But was still cold and we maybe caught thirty minutes sleep.

Morning arose for McDonald's to open doors to the public and so there we walked to get warm. Sitting there we began planning our day. First thing first we needed to eat. Food gets served Sundays at noon downtown. So couple hours passed before we went to catch the public transportation. While waiting and man calls me over to his vehicle. He couldn't speak much English but yay for translators. The kind man drove us downtown for free, which is a very rare thing in Lexington. Anyway with food in our stomachs we ventured some before stopping for free coffee and more food. I managed to get us a place to sleep that night. We dropped our heavy bags off and went on our way to finish our day. Catching little sleep again that night our irritations and aggravation was high.

Being Monday now we didn't have much to do besides get food and catch someone's court hearing. So we made our way back downtown for coffee and food. Sitting in the library to keep warm while we waited for court. Being so tired we couldn't stay for the court hearing. So we left and got a ride and found a motel. Yay for us we caught maybe 6 hours sleep. In the unlikely scenario said person's court hearing ended well for him. After we checked out of the motel we rushed to the bus stop. Knowing this was it, this is the last moments for us that day. She looked so sad that whole morning. She almost cried four times and I know it's because she didn't want to leave me. After our exchange of lovely heart felt words we kissed before she got on the bus. Eating me up inside after how she felt I made my way to get our stuff. Separating our bags I dropped her's off and made my way to catch my ride out of town.

To summarize things fucked up and I am here till the end. Choices still to be made and I am finalizing mine based on Miss Star's choice. Call me stupid or dumbass moron or retarded. But I gave a chance up years ago. I asked for something from that experience and 9-10 years later I have received what I asked for. So yes I am taking a chance for this feeling I have. I refuse to give it up. We all deserve happiness and I fully intend on getting mine. No matter where it lands me I know I'm happy with her.

So here is my advice to everyone. When you gave up on something and that something comes back in your life, take a chance. When you ask for something from something greater than one's self be careful and ask specifically for things. If you lose hope that it's not going to happen, it will if you asked properly and truly wanted it. We all face choices every day. When those rare and hard choices come around and it feels right, take it. Chances and choices are limited in our lives. Never hurts to live!

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