That Buzzing Sound !

in #life8 years ago

Have you heard of ringing or buzzing in your ear ? many would not have heard of, but I have experienced the ringing sound in my year and still suffering from this symptom. This ringing or buzzing sound in your ear is called "Tinnitus". I had never heard of the word tinnitus before, but I remember the day when I was working on my laptop as usual and felt something inside my left ear. I did not pay much attention to it but again after few hours I felt a kind of stroke in my ear and I decided to visit a doctor who did not believe in what I said, I was given few medicines that hardly mattered, I visited a number of doctors but all in vain. At one point in time, I also suffered from the side effects caused by excess intake of drugs which resulted in hair loss and swollen face, but then my family decided I should seek an advice of a specialist.

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It was after consulting this lady doctor (ENT Specialist), I came to know that I was suffering from tinnitus, and when I asked the reason ? I was surprised to hear that, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure which resulted in buzzing sound and hearing loss. I had to undergo a number of audiogram tests before getting a clear picture to what extent the damage was done. But when the results were out, I was happy to hear that it was not that serious and could be cured with medicines, at that point of time I was not informed by the doctor that the ringing sound would stay forever. After all the proper medicines and treatment I was able to hear properly again but the ringing and buzzing sound irritated me the most. 

I googled everything little thing that I could about tinnitus, but at the end, I found out what was heart-breaking - that there was no treatment in the entire world that can cure tinnitus. Now it is almost seven years that I am going around with this sound and I thank god it was not that serious as I can hear properly today but all would not be lucky enough to overcome such problems. 

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I would advice all my friends.... keep fit.. have a proper diet and take care of your health as the saying goes  ....                  

                                              "Health is Wealth".


I sympathise with you. I noticed the same sound in my left ear six months ago (minus the hearing loss) and after visiting a specialist, he diagnosed it as Tinnitus.

In my case (as I assume that Tinnitus varies from person to person), I would describe my Tinnitus as repeated cycles of very quiet popping sounds, perhaps of only a few decibels. The sound being quiet enough, that depending on the environment, I'm sometimes able to ignore it.

The cycles begin from a period of complete silence, usually lasting around 5 to 15 seconds (or even minutes!). From there, the popping starts slowly and increases in amount until eventually it stops, and then the cycle repeats. These cycles can be as short as 30 seconds or last over a minute.

Oh... That's something different , may be it varies from person to person. In may case i have a continuous buzzing sound... but I have got used to it now :)

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