TIPS I've learned over time while trying to make money online

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Giving up too soon:

Thinking I could quickly duplicate someone else's results would frustrate me. Then I'd quit. And say "well I tried." But now I prepare myself to stick with something longer, knowing it's not about getting lucky, but that results come only with dedication.

Underestimating the time and work involved:

I used to get excited thinking I'd have a project or task done in one day. Now I know that it may take days, sometimes even weeks to truly have a method up and running. So I manage my own expectations better. This reduces pressure, and helps me focus on the work.

Jumping from one method to another:

As obvious as this sounds, I was guilty of jumping to the next 'golden rainbow' method. It was foolish to think that if I just found the right secret method I'd have the success I wanted online. But now I know that sticking with a proven method long enough is key. I try to get one method monetized, and then scale it, before adding another method.

Jumping from one niche to another:

I used to think there was a 'perfect niche' out there. One that was untapped and lucrative. But it's pointless to waste time looking for this elusive niche. It is better to just enter a known proven niche with lots of buyers, and forget about the competition. If I make a great offer in a big niche, I'll get sales.

Trying to do everything myself:

If another guy says they make money in something, I used to think I can do it too. And maybe I can; but most often I run into details, technical issues, and unexpected delays. If I try to figure out every detail myself, and solve every technical issue myself, then I'll be wasting time and delaying any results. And often the delay causing frustration and temptation to quit. So now, I regularly bring in help on specific issues, and make someone else responsible for getting that issue resolved. This reduces stress, protects my time, and helps me be a lot more productive. And creates an overall more enjoyable experience.


We live and learn, right. It's easy to hear someone else say what to do and what not to do. But it's only when we actually get working, get doing, that we realize what we're doing may need adjusting. So be willing to make the necessary adjustments.


-King Steele


Thank you! I followed you

It all seems so easy when you explain it!!!!!

Definitely easy to explain....a little tough to put into motion...once I got started and stopped a few times I got the hang of it

Great tips! I think the most important is to be constant

Completely agree! Thanks!

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