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RE: Anthony Bourdain, Dead At 61: "Commited" Suicide or "Death By" Suicide?

in #life6 years ago

@valued-customer, call me sheltered, but I'd never even heard the term arkancide and not convinced suicide was just recently deemed illegal/not a crime. Am I missing something here?
I do find your flipped view on suicide and mental health very compelling and a new view for me that rings true. Would be interesting to read/hear reasons Bourdain gave for his suicide.


Arkancide is the notorious murder of inconvenient witnesses and staging the investigation to declare it suicide.

Almost all of us are missing not just something, but much that is contrary to the interests of our predators. This is the magic of the internet: you can just search via multiple search engines on any topic you have interest in and discover information that isn't deliberately imposed on us (propaganda) by those with intent to deceive.

Of course much information is intended to deceive. I find that the more money and effort that is spent to deliver information, the more likely it is intended to deceive.

Here's another term you may not be familiar with: the enemedia. There is an industry that is intended to keep people productive prey, and those information (news) sources owned by corporate interests are most of this industry.

Think for yourself, and drop back to first principles when considering matters. By following a chain of logic and sussing out independent sources of information to treat logically, you become much more difficult to fool, and prey on.


Thank you for explaining arkancide--on a quick Google and glance I was getting all Clinton crap ;)
And, I completely agree with you in regards to being predated on and bombarded with enemedia. I think we'll see things get much worse.

Oddly enough, I have great hope that it is already changing in our favor. The worse they make censorship and propaganda, the more incentive they give their prey to escape it. The millions of independent bloggers and journalists, of which you are one, are escape.

We will be free eventually (people generally, not me specifically). Physics is what makes technology possible, and when you look at what technology is possible, it is glaringly obvious that mass oppression will become impossible as people gain technological advantage they are yet unable to use.

I expect despair to be reduced as oppression is. It will get worse before it gets better, but it will get better.

Good points.
I am sure you're right about technology and I wouldn't be here if I didn't have some inkling of tech taking us in new and powerful directions, and at the same time, as a person who doesn't love learning new tech tricks my thoughts can lean towards fear that I'll be left by that boat.
And, as far as getting worse, I think about no power or Internet and then how to access crypto, or communities growing out of the box? I know there are probably technological ways around what could become a mass unplugging, but not sure I'm technologically skilled enough to navigate if something like this were to happen.
I fear I might sound terribly naive here, but also curious and elevated by your hope.

There aren't any good ways I know of for cryptocurrencies to remain useful without an electrical power grid, and the internet that makes possible. So, those aren't my focus, although nothing really is, TBQH.

Community is people. Start with the people around you, where you live now, and if, God forbid, there's a crisis or disaster, you'll already have a community around you. Usually our neighbors have very similar outlooks to ourselves, and commonalities that create numerous opportunities for mutual endeavors.

Seek to avoid controversy while remaining true to your principles, and you'll be amazed at who you can get along with. I have neighbors that abhor homosexuality, and neighbors that abhor homophobia. I can still build their decks, and they can still appreciate that service.

I live in an area with geological hazards, and should those arrive, it will be a catastrophe for me. It will be less of a catastrophe for we neighbors who already work together, as we will be able to work together then, too.

Einstein said something like 'I can't predict the weapons WWIII will be fought with, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones.' Nothing is guaranteed, but people need each other. Help them, help yourself.

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