Wanting to have your future told = like wanting to not exist

in #life7 years ago


When having QCK sessions with people, I have found that sometimes people come to a session with the starting point of wanting me to tell them their future, to heal their pain or illness, to tell them which job to go for or decision to make. It's like we have this desire to give our power away to someone and have them take the responsibility for us, for our health, our future, our mind and our life in general. Someone to tell us which is the "right" decision, to tell us what to do and who/how to be.

Obviously this tendency comes out more when we are faced with challenging situations, like falling ill, having to make a big decision or facing difficult experiences in our mind. However it is interesting how willing we are to in a way hand over our existence to another person, God, force or whatnot rather than taking on whatever challenge we face in our lives to learn, expand, grow and develop as an individual. Almost as if we already think and believe that we don't exist, not really. If we that easily give up on our own power and responsibility to make our own decisions and face our own challenges, do we really exist in fact?

Quantum Change Kinesiology assists and supports individuals from the starting point of enhancing and supporting self-responsibility and self-empowerment. It won't predict your future, magically cure your illness or take away the thoughts or emotions plaguing you. It will however assist you to understand why and how it is that you have come to create the illness, the thoughts and the emotions and show you that you are in fact quite capable of facing, directing and changing your issues.

QCK promotes self-responsibility and self-empowerment because only individuals who understand their own creative power will realize the responsibility they have as co-creators of this world and reality. Only individuals who support themselves will in turn support the world around them.


Kim Amourette


Simply amazing concepts here, and yes, I can see what you described in myself. However, time after time, experience has shown me that the only true freedom or solutions come from self-responsibility, self-support, and using my creative powers to author my own life for me, so that I can become the best version of myself for those around me.

I say, YES, I am here, I want to participate, I want to play. Thanks for the reminder - like an invite for me back into my own life :)

Exactly kimzilla ;)

agreed :)

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