Take your biggest fear and place yourself there

in #life7 years ago

With starting up a new business, interesting experiences have come up for me to face. Particularly experiences related to fear of failing, fear of my vision and purpose that I had in mind "not working out" and then having to work in the system, work for a company "for the rest of my life". I use quotation marks to indicate that that is how my mind sees it in terms of the onedimensional thoughts, beliefs and future projections my mind comes up with, which aren't necessarily how things would even turn out realistically speaking.

What I have noticed is that these experiences of fear then also affect the way I conduct business, in terms of how I promote myself and how I move my business forward due to how i experience myself within it. I become rigid and pushy and experience myself to be in this constant experience of haste, connected with thoughts like "I need to get clients NOW", "I need to get this to work" and "I have to make this a success". This then forms a rapid cycle wherein soon I start becoming easily agitated as I see that certain expectations aren't met and then even feel the onset of a depression-like experience of giving up and feeling defeated. All because I allowed myself to be influenced and directed in my actions by that experience of fear.

What I have learned about fear however is that as long as you resist, it will persist, and you will even end up creating your fear. For example, if I become rigid, pushy and hasty in my energy and movement this will resonantly/subconsciously push people away and so I end up creating the opposite of what I am trying to achieve. After all, this would also be my reality showing me that I am not being true to myself in terms of existing in fear of a part of myself that I have come to project in the idea of "working in the system" and "working a dead-end job".

The title of this post - taking your fear and placing yourself there - is a technique I use when I realize that I have allowed myself to get lost in the fear-initiated emotional rollercoaster. It is a technique of embracing myself wholly, not allowing myself to in any way be guided and directed in my actions by fear and consequently not allowing fear to compromise my life. This by placing myself - as in "visualizing" if you will - in the situation and experience which I am fearing, to not resist the experience and not try to run away from it, but to embrace it and bring it "here" within myself.

To in other words be "OK" with the potential situation of for instance working a job at a company for the rest of my life rather than running my own business. Then from that point of "being OK with" and "embracing" the situation, I can let go of the fear, of the stress and the pressure that I have been placing on myself, thinking and believing that "I HAVE TO make this business thing work". I can be "at peace" with myself, knowing that whatever happens and however things turn out to be, I will be here with me fully embracing the situation I am in.

Thanks for reading.

Kim Amourette


Fear is a way of defining your limit. Pushing past your limit can be very rewarding... I enjoyed your post.

definitely @business-trail Fear is our mind's way of creating that illusory "limit". Glad you enjoyed the post :)

As an independent tutor, relying on solely income from clients was simply not feasible in the beginning. I worked part time at a coffee shop and then tried my hand at Uber before making the switch to full reliance on my business income. Even now, the loss of 1 or 2 of my biggest clients would require somewhat of a dramatic shift in my lifestyle, but I am working to diversify income streams to create more stability here. I wish you the best outcome for your business venture!!

I relate very much to your share here @kimamourette and the expansionary comment @dan2all.

For I am a Man of Independence and the biggest realization thus far within creating my life of Independence has been the Very "dependence" within and as "Independence"

I am reminded by a short-Life-enhancement-series-of-words that I've planted deep inside myself.

"It is Your Life" By Charles Bukowski

"All the Way" By Charles Bukowski

Creativity is definitely key in making an independent income work I have found. Wishing you the same!

True great advice. I have found that in situations that i was uncomfortable i ended up achieving a lot but when i was in my comfort zone i become lazy and unproductive. Fear is a sign of some opportunity lying ahead.

@masaa indeed and I would say that even the comfort zone is just a hide-away from fear, so not really the true expression of "comfort" in fact, rather a suppression of fear.

What you resist persists, right? We attract our desires but we also attract our fears. A lot of people think it's best to avoid all "negative" thoughts, but by engaging with them, you can soften them, making it much easier to untangle and get over certain fears, therefore freeing yourself from the hold they have on you.

So in other words, you are totally dead on with this post ;-P Gained a follower.

yes @whatamidoing we tend to want to gravitate towards our desires and not realize our fears equally show us a part of ourselves waiting to be explored and opened up. Thanks for the follow!

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