A good day to be grateful

in #life7 years ago

I've spent the last three hours or so cleaning up after a particularly enjoyable dinner with friends. And the cleaning up has made me profoundly grateful for a number of things....


It started out that I was thankful we have water to wash the dishes (two dishwasher loads and about 5 sinkloads of pots, pans, glasses and the like) in Johannesburg, reflecting on the challenges that Capetonians have been experiencing and are likely to continue experiencing as their rainy season comes to an end and their dams are still close to empty.

I remembered a book I read as a child by a woman named Corrie ten Boom, who had been imprisoned with her mother in one of the German concentration camps during the Second World War - and her mother used to always tell her to be grateful for the little things. One day while praying she thanked God for the fleas in their barracks, and Corrie lost it. She asked her mother how she could possibly thank God for those fleas?!? Her mother replied something like, "It keeps the guards from coming in to where we sleep." That story has stuck with me ever since.

I then started to reflect how lucky we are to have good friends who didn't know each other before yesterday, but who clicked well with each other and created fun and interesting conversation.

How lucky we are to have a fireplace, which gave us warmth and a cozy place to have those interesting conversations.

And how lucky we are to have a house (or at least a mortgage which allows us to live in the house while the bank gradually squeezes every last drop it can out of us).

And for me to have such a wonderful life partner in @tim-beck, and that we were able to share our trip to France and Amsterdam with his daughter Emma. I hope to do something similar with his son Wesley one of these years.


Bonus: he makes a wicked Tim curry. That was last night's dinner - a lamb curry that just got the noses sniffling enough from the heat of the spices on a cool winter's evening.

And lucky to have found out about Steemit last year from one of Tim's colleagues who I'm now happy to count as a friend, and to have made friends with wonderful people like @mother2chicks through the platform, and now to start getting to know other amazing South African Steemians through @teamsouthafrica and our Discord channel.

I have a lot to be grateful for!

Thank you


I'm very glad that cleanliness made you feel grateful. I do not like to clean up :))

Let's just say I enjoy the result, not necessarily the process! And I really don't like mess.🤣🤣

I do not like either cleanliness or mess :)) The result of cleaning is always nice: D

You are so cool, @amedeo :-)

So well put. If only we had fairies to do it all for us. But we don't 😊😊

Please check out my last article to see what fairies does for me the cleaning, :D Thanks for your compliment

Sweet post! Those fairies looked pretty human to me 😉

Thank you! :)) Yes, it is very true. She is very real :))

nice girl!!!

great blog

Thank you, @roykie17 😊😊

black shadow..

Very nice post reminding us of how fortunate we are and the blessings we have.

Thank you, @team101 😊😊

Well, thanks for sharing.
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If you have time you can visit my blog, I have new post about Indonesian steemit community friendship.
Maybe you like it.

Yes, we should be grateful for all those little things.
Nice and interesting post to read.
Keep on posting.

Thank you for your kind words, @raku.😊😊

You are very welcome ☺

Kisah yang sangat menginspirasi @killigirl
Memang #life itu butuh seorang yang selalu mengingatkan kita, apalagi yang namanya #family. Itu sungguh kita perlukan.

Keluarga adalah tempat dimana kita bebas melakukan sesuatu dengan bebas, bebas dalam arti semua mau mendengarkan semua pendapat dan saran kita, semua kemauan kita bisa kita curhatkan ke mereka.

Kita butuh itu semua.

Thank you for your lovely comment, @madcool. I've tried to translate it online - please let me know if this comes close:

A very inspiring story @ killigirl
Indeed #life it takes someone who always reminds us, let alone the name #family. That's really what we need.
Family is a place where we are free to do something freely, freely in the sense that all will listen to all our opinions and suggestions, all our will we can vent to them.
We need it all.

I think I got the overall meaning 😊😊

You rigth...


Glad to meet you

Glad to hear you are replete after your meal, it's the best feeling isn't it.
Its just coming to the end of summer here in the UK and my thoughts have been slowly turning to fires in the winter in our log burner. I'm thankful for the seasons and the wonderful feelings they give us.

Indeed, @scalextrix! No better place than the UK to appreciate a nice warm fire. Lovely hearing from you again. Thanks for popping in. 😊😊

Ditto, I didnt see you around recently @kiligirl

We went on holiday to Paris++ and I was under the mistaken impression I'd get the evenings to make short posts 🤣🤣. I've made three about our trip so far since getting back on Monday night, and there are still many posts clamouring for space on Steemit. If you look back to Wednesday on my blog, you'll see the first of them nestling amongst the resteems.

I'm still trying to catch up on reading other Steemians' posts! Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to while I was offline. 😊😊

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