Overcoming my fear was the coolest thing ever !!! ๐Ÿ˜‹ ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜

in #life โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)


Hello almighty Steemians!

Today was quite a special day in my books, everyone has their own fear of something in my case reptiles and lizards definitely belong in this category. Visiting a friend at his brothers place a few hours ago where all my fears came together at first wasn't too pleasant, this dude has 3 lizards in the flat. A Green Iguana that's on the photo above and two Bearded Dragons that I'll show Y'all in a few minutes.


When talking with @papa-pepper a few months ago he suggested I should first handle a small one to kinda get a feel for them I guess. This Iguana is huge, but my friend David quickly calmed me down saying it's not aggressive at all. So I took my chance and put my hand in its space...

What a gorgeous animal, this was my first time near this kind of animal if we don't count the ZOO some 25 years ago, haha, and no way near as close as today.

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These two are so damn cool, that I'm really thinking of getting one. The Bearded Dragons


Still small, so I was lucky enough to get my hands on them. So calm, totally the opposite of what I thought it would be. Super friendly these two. The yellow one is female and is a bit bigger so I picked up the small guy.

This was such a cool experience and I'm super happy about it. I also hope Y'all enjoyed this blog!

(All photos and vids taken with Samsung NOTE4)


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Until next time, thanks for stopping by! I upvote cool comments so go for it, any upvote or resteem is much appreciated! Take care & stay awesome!

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Voting sharing and been following. Cost? Join my discord.... You know you wanna blaze with me.

Keep it going man! And killer lizards! Nice seeing you exploring yourself.

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Well done for overcoming your fear @kid4life. They actually look quite cute but I'm not if I would handle them or not. ๐Ÿ˜

They are so cute and harmless, you would def like it after you handle one

Ha, ha, ha. Perhaps @kid4life. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Nice picture

good post friend hope you are doing great. Nice too meet you, you can pass for my blog and vote if you like!. Cheers

Posted using Partiko Android

Please stop spamming the comments!

Ha! A nickle to share? Lol I'm voting and sharing anyways

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