Bit Fruit & Carrot, the Colorful With a Million Benefits
- Anti Oxidant and Cancer Cell Killer
- Natural Detox For Liver and Kidney
- Prevent Hypertension
- Keeping Stamina
- Preventing Anemia
- Prevent Digestive Problems
- Lose weight
- Overcoming Dandruff
- Natural Food Coloring
- Hair Dye
It's said that history, originally carrots planted in the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia. Carrots in the past were very different from the carrots we know today. The old carrot was purple. Yellow carrots appeared in Afghanistan in the pre Hellenic era. Then both types of carrots spread to the Mediterranean region.
Carrots became popular in Europe during the Renaissance, as Europe began to develop orange carrots that had a softer texture than the previous carrots. Type of carrot before orange carrot appeared, very fibrous and hard.
In Europe developing carrots in small size ready to eat when made a traveling or to the office as a snack. Snack is very healthy compared with snacks that use flavorings, dyes and preservatives that are not friendly with our body health. Following the amount of nutrients in 100 grams of Ca
No. Nutrition / 100 g Quantity of g / mg / SI 1 Calories 42 g 2 Fat 0.3 g 3 Protein 1.2 g 4 Carbohydrate 9.3 g 5 Calcium 39 mg 6 Phospor 37 mg 7 Iron 0.8 mg 8 Vitamin B1 0.06 mg 9 Vitamin A 12000 SI
Make Bit and Carrot Juice
Wash the fruit with running water, peel the skin using a knife and then split into several parts as in the picture above or in accordance with the desired.
Bit fruit :
Carrot :
Lemon :
How to make :
Put the bits and carrots into the juice extractor or blender
Process until the juice out, accommodate in a glass. Squeeze the lemon, grab the water. Mix with beet juice, mix well and serve.
The benefits of juice bits and carrots on top is for the detoxification of the body naturally and safely.
Here is the result ... this photo is not original I have, because the situation and place does not allow me to take interesting photos. but for the end result is more or less the same as photographed.
Many thanks to EFA (eSteem For All) for a three-day learning opportunity. especially to the @owner99 @podanrj @foways @dedyrendra @dodybireun @helmibireun @jubagarang @yandot and to all who have contributed to EFA.
vote witness good-karma
Bahab jus yang sederhana dan murah harganya mudah untuk dibuat. Banyak manfaat yang dapat dirasakan untuk kesehatan. Jika mau berbagi ilmu itu lebuh baik dari pada berbagi uang. Tulisan yang indah dan mudah difahami, sukses selalu untuk Aulia.
terimakasih @tengkulik. salam sukses kembali
Gaya postingan yang keren. Begitu juga dengan isinya - pembuatan jus yang sederhana. Mudah untuk dipahami 👍.
memang bahasa inggris lheuh keudron neu bang @rades. lon mantong kureung muphom peu ka mueutuleh nyan. hahaha
Makasih bg @khanza.aulia, long manteng pake translate untuk peugeot postingan 😁.
bereh nyan bang @rades. lon hana kureung cit hahaha
a very useful post @khanza.aulia, I like the post.
thanks @muna84
Perfect! I like your style ;)
Many thank bang @naufal, sukses untuk semua, EFA
Wooo ini postingan yang cetar membahana yang ditunggu bang @owner99 sejak kemarin ya.
Beneran nerapkan materi kepenulisan EFA nih 👍
Terimakasih kak @ammachemist ini berkat bimbingan para mentor EFA, tidak lepas dari sharing dari teman-teman yang sudah melanglang buana didalam dunia ‘blog’ Ada 2 srikandi di EFA kak Amma dan Kak Alaika hehe. Special thank untuk abang @owner99 yang membimbing langsung saat postingan dibuat, sampe gerogi dibuatnya.
Saluute, keren sekali para mentor
Terimakasih kak @rahmayn telah mengunjungi blog ini.
konten Anda memang selalu luar biasa bg @khanza.aulia, Saya suka. Keren!!!
terimakasih banyak bang @edymunawar, yang selalu menyempatkan waktu untuk mengunjungi dan membaca psotingan saya
Sangat sederhana tapi menarik,, dengan bahan2 yang murah dan mudah didapat, keren @khanza.aulia
Terimakasih kak @yeni. Senang kali kakak sudah berkunjung kesini
Saya sangat menyukai jus ini
Terimakasih bang @ruslaghani. Saya juga sangat menyukainya.
E.F.A melahirkan esteemians yang hebat dalam menulis, seperti @khanza.aulia yang membuat postingan ini sangat bagus dan sempurna.
Hehe terimakasih bang @alhidayat. Bang ni terlalu berlebihan. Semoga bisa tetap istiqamah. Thanks #EFA