in #life7 years ago

At the present time, there are three main frontiers of fundamental science. First, the world of the extremely larg the universe itself, Radio telescopes gather information from the far side of the universe and have recently detected as radio the firelight of the big bang which probably started off the expanding universe nearly 20 billion years Sil ago. Second, the world of the extremely small, that of the particles such as, electrons, protons, neutrons, mesons and others. The third frontier is the world of complex matter. It is also the World of"middle-sized" things, from molecules at one extreme to the Earth at the other. This is all fundamental physics, which is the heart of science. term But what is physics? According to one definition, physics ary areas deals with the study of matter and energy and the relationship between them. The study of physics involves ics ten investigating such things as the laws of motion, the structure of space and time, the nature and type of forces that hold different materials together, the interaction between different particles, the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter and so on. By the end of 19h century many physicists started believing Vie that every thing about physics has been discovered. However, about the beginning of the twentieth century many qu new experimental facts revealed that the laws formulated by qu the previous investigators need modifications. Further be researches gave birth to many new disciplines in physics such as nuclear physics deals with atomic nuclei,
till the essary as, the hysical s is an des its etc. ethod arious made rough and rge, tion ted, bly the particle physics is concerned with the ultimate particles which the matter is composed, relativistic mechanics deals with velocities approaching that of light and solid state physics i concerned with the structure and properties solids, but by means exhaustive. physics is most fundamental of all sciences and provides other branches of science, basic principles and fundamental laws. This overlapping of physics and other fields gave birth to new branches such as physical chemistry, biophysics, astrophysics, health physics etc. Physics also plays an important role in the development of technology and engineering Science and technology are a potent force for change in Compl the outlook of mankind. The information media and fast waters means of communications have brought all parts of the semio world in close contact with one another. Events in one part of the world immediately reverberate round the globe We are living in the age of information technology. The computer networks are products of chips the basic ideas of physics. The chips are made of silicon. Silicon can be obtained from sand. lt is upto us whether we make a sandcastle or a computer out of it.

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