Five amazing things sex does with our bodies

in #life7 years ago

If we ask people why they practice sex, most of the answers will be that they practice it for pleasure and satisfy desires. Sex has not only psychological effects, but also physiological effects on the body. Two of the most famous sex researchers, William Masters and Virginia Johnson, have been studying the so-called sexual response cycle.

We will now review some of the ways in which sex affects our bodies:

  • Sex helps relieve pain and get rid of stress and tension:
    The chemicals released by the brain during sex may help relieve pain and relieve tension. The 2010 Princeton study found that mice who were sexually active were less anxious and stressed, and cells in the hippocampus stimulated growth Organized concern).

And that the androfen that is secreted during sex acts as painkillers.

  • Sex increases the bond between you and your partner:

At orgasm, your body excretes oxytocin, the hormone responsible for those warm, beautiful feelings and bliss that we feel after orgasm, a hormone necessary to create a very strong bond between the partners.

Note: Oxytocin does not distinguish between true love and sex with someone you do not love once.

  • Sex keeps your body active:
    Sex increases heart rate, blood pressure and breathing and increases the blood flow to the penis, vagina and nipples, making them sensitive to the touch, and can become the rest of your skin also more sensitive to touch, and sometimes when reaching the peak in sexual desire may increase muscle tension.

  • Sex improves your heart and your immune system:

The heart works during sex more than the normal range. The heart rate increases from 70 beats per minute to about 150 beats, increases the heart's ability to endure and improves the immune system. Where he proved a study at the University of St. People who have sex once or twice a week have greater resistance to colds and colds.

  • Gender Other sports:
    Sex helps to burn calories and exercise some of the muscles of the body, but of course is not enough to replace daily exercise, but a beautiful way to keep the body active.

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