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RE: The Examined Education | Questioning the Current State of Education

in #life7 years ago

I agree with everything you said! The purpose of education has truly been lost and you've laid out many more issues that need to be addressed as well. I haven't heard of the story behind the Secretary of Education, but I am going to read up on that right now. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


Betsy DeVos is from the Amway Fortune. She & her brother Erik Prince are evangelical "Christians". To know more about them and their kind read Chris Hedges - American Fascist.

He talks of Erik Prince who started the Private Christian military group called Blackwater. Often when you hear the DOD talk about private contractors in Afghanistan & Iraq this is the mercenary group they are referring too. All nice and funded by the DOD tax$$.

Betsy DeVos now Secretary of Education is promoting gov Tax $$ funding private "Christian" charter schools.

Along with Betsy, other politicians that align with this ideology are VP Mike Pence & Congressman Gianforte who was convicted of assaulting a journalist last spring. Gianforte has donated millions to a "Museum" that proves man walked with dinosaurs.

DeVos is a direct assault on the education of america. Unless of course you believe dinosaurs walked with man.

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