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RE: The Examined Education | Questioning the Current State of Education

in #life7 years ago

Ahh I love that Mark Twain quote as well! Copy-paste behavior is exactly what we're seeing today and what has been evident in the past. New technologies like the Internet, Blockchain, Steem, etc. have the potential to revolutionize what we consider education. I think that the majority of educators working within the system have been taught to believe in the system too deeply to believe that there is something wrong with it... I think that it's going to take a complete rebuild to create a system that actually works. And even then, I don't think that only 1 system is enough, I think there needs to be a plethora of systems all designed with the individual in mind rather than the majority. Currently, schools emphasize being average and getting good grades and "lining-up". Lining up means being in "order" and following the rules, but it's also just the mindset they instill in children - that they need to line-up and do exactly as the adult tells them. This suffocates innovation and creativity and is terrible for the long-term growth of the human race. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Exactement! (French). I couldn't have said it better. People revert to copy-paste behaviour as they have been acquainted with only one form of learning -institutionalised learning.

This myopic approach to learning becomes archaic when weaving through the multi-faceted aspects of life, beyond the classroom walls.

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