Discussion contest: "What do you Think about Migration", Top comment will win 0.1 SBD!!!

in #life6 years ago


Hello dear friends,

Today I want to open my second discussions contest, as I say always, steemit is to meet and socielize with nice friends form all over the world, discuss our thoughtes on steemit and learn new things.

Today I want to discuss with my steemit friends about living away from homeland and migration, sometimes our life doesn't works same way like we wish, which make life hard for us and we start thinking about going away looking for better palce for living.


I do believe that everyone loves his/her homeland but when you see not bright future for you in your hometown, you start thinking about going away either to seek good education, better life or to achieve something you are dreaming of. Migration is solution sometimes but its harmful always. when it steels your life and keep you away from your family, your culture, and your life style you used to live during your childhood.


For me I think migration is something helpful to get bright future and change your bad sitution in your homeland but we just need to stay linked to our country, culture and family, and visit homeland sometimes druing each year. like this way we change our life from bad case to a better sitution and in the same time we keep being loyal to our homeland.

I know that in some cases some people travel to live over ocean even if they don't. its sad truth but it is still good for them because they can change their families life and bring somethign new to their local community.

I know that in some cases some people travel to live over ocean even if they don't. Its sad truth but it is still good for them, because they can change their families life and bring somethign new to their local community either good education, or captial to invest and hire local people and even bring them a mixed living style and new thoughtes.


I didn't live outside from my homeland but I have friends did and we always discuss this kind of topics.

Now you tell me, what do you think about migration and living away from homeland. do you experienced that? what is the bright and dark sides?? and why you travel away if you did.

I would like to hear your answers and top comment will win 0.1 SBD. Please follow me. resteem this post and upvote if you like it.

All pictures from pixabay.


migration is a blessing for countries while a curse for other ones.

yes I agree with you. But in same cases its helps people to get other opportutnies and even their countries to get comes over oceans and also make tourism proftaible. thanks for your nice comment.

opportunities are blessing but in some countries immigration caused more problem than you can imagine for example what's happening in Borma caused by immigration of some extremist 10 years ago from Afghanistan,and now everybody know what's going on unfortunately in Borma .

yes you are right. its can be harmful more than halpful. Allah bless and help people in Borma. thanks again for stop by. brother.

you're welcome and thank you for the prize,i appreciate it.

Hi, I hope you are well.

I am from Venezuela and just this idea is constantly going through my mind. The current situation in my country is unfortunate, the minimum salary is just a little more than $ 2 USD, daily power outage, food shortages, insecurity, no justice, poor transportation, among many other things. They have made a large part of our population have decided to emigrate, it is not a secret for anyone the problems in Venezuela.

Much of my family has already emigrated from the country, many friends, acquaintances, too many people who have left, and still have to leave. It is sad to see how everyone leaves. The worst thing is that maybe I'll go too.

It is unfortunate for the country, the amount of professionals that we now export to other countries, the amount of people who leave, now they will produce for other nations, and the poorest, the oldest and the most children will remain here.

I am a student of geography, I really like my career, I want to finish it to emigrate if the situation continues like this, if I stay I will not have a good future here, here there is no development, there is centralization and injustice.

Seen from the geography, specifically, the geography of the population, as for the emigration, our country was going through its best moment in the demographic transition stage, we passed through the stage known as "demographic bonus", where the percentages of adults were the perfect, to have a better economic production and development, for the large amount of population able to work, manpower. Because of this government, this opportunity was lost, now the only thing that we export is professionals and we are losing every time people capable of taking the country forward.

Thanks to steemit I have been able to help a little economically (1 SBD is worth more than a minimum salary), although it is very difficult to live here, rather "survive", I hope I can hold up to graduate, not to leave without a university degree.

PD: Apologies for my English, I hope you can understand my message.


I am really sad to hear that my dear friend. I know bad sitution it is in you country. currptuion is everywhere and people are suffering ? bad education no good healthcare neither go services. Its really sad truth to see everythng is thinking about going outside their homeland to seekp better life overoocean.

I can understand you and how do you feel. yo have right to get good education and be able to get good Job In future. hope so. Never lose hope my dear friend. Nothing is etranl. Life will change n dmaybe the next day you will wake up your with good sitution.

yes migration can be a soltion in your sitution. so if yu have a good opportutniy don't lose it and go outside yur country and try t help your family. there is no harm in doing that.

I am glad that steemit give the opportutniy to earn more than your monthly salary. so crypt is amazing and we here to help you and support you always dear brother. Just believ ein God and have a trust in him nd everything will be fine. U get my award for your comment and sharing with us your proplems there. Nice to eemt man and please I am here always if you need my help. thanks again.

Thank you very much friend for your support, the situation is sad and have to one day leave my beloved Venezuela. A country with so much beauty, so many resources, but that was destroyed by socialism (there was never socialism, only the high command of the government benefits) It is sad to see my grandparents, after them live a good life, have to spend their last years in this misery.
I know it is not wrong to emigrate and look for a better future, but sometimes I wonder what will happen to Venezuela ?, Who will raise it again? if all the quality leaves the country.
But as you say, nothing is forever and someday this will change and I will see my country as it was a few years ago.
Thanks again friend, you are very well, greetings!

wish you the best man. thanks to steemit which allows me to meet nice people overocean and be able to sned them greetings, love and little money as a small thanks. crypto is amzing and will change the world and even Venezuela sitution after th lunched your coins which called petrol. hope so.

don't be sad man crruption is everywhere not just in your country. its really sad to leave ur country but if you have no choice you have to make it and g abroad and be successful man and come back again to help to build your country.

you are welcome brother and hope you will be with us in next contests.

I do experiencing this .. but Migration it could be any reason why they need to move from their homeland to another country ..

When I got married me and my husband moved to Egypt for bussiness reason.. ..So We are here but I still love my homeland and that will never change .. Being away from my homeland it makes me homesick sometimes because Im so far away from my family but I have my own family now too .. and that makes me so happy 😊. And living in other country its awesome i think.. because you meeting completely different from your homeland ... such as type of people , religion , culture, language etc ..

And learning from them its a treasure ... especially the people and religion. .I realised more things when I moved here i see the differences of people how they think ,and how they move... and I do really love the people here how they treat each other ...

I found peace in my heart in Islam Alhamdullilah I see people they greet each other and their faith to Allah is so strong Mashallah. ..

haha thats it.. i think this is really for me 😁

Ok very glad to hear your ansswer becaue I was waiting for it. all you said was right. I am glad you are living in arab Muslim country and feeling happy although egypt isn't perfect place to have easy and comfortable life cuz of finecial issues. But being in very welcoming community who has good manners and very nice to each other. you will find peace and be happy being with them. cuz money isn't everything.

I am relly glad to hear that you are happy with islam and you love how Muslims Life style. its really made me proud and happy. wish the best and I am here always to help you to learn more about Islam.

thanks fr your comment and please be happy and never hestate to ask us for help in arab world. nice to meet such very kind person like you. Allah bless you.

Thank you my friend. . Yes the Financial in Egypt is so bad ...very bad everything is pricing up and many people pocket here are hurting especially to those people who have enough only.. When the dollar value going up .. Its not good for many people at all !!!

And Islam its a beautiful religion ... I do really love how Muslims they proctect their family and respect others.. and this is really amaze me..

yes life there is veyr hard espcially during last fives years because of poltical issues. Anyway they are happy with their life and wishing to ave bright future for their chidlren inshallah.

yes family in Islam is very protected and everyone work hard to stay linked to family. Family is everything in this life. without family yu will never find happiness. thanks again.

Migration can happen for many reasons, but the sure thing is that it can affect your or country too, not just only you. I saw a video on Youtube about how migration, especially because of economical reasons can be useless and harmful in the long run.

Migration is a healthy and natural thing to do, but the political architecture of our modern society, made countries see migration as drawback and a serious threat.

Here is the Youtube Video Here

yes brother I agree with you. migration can made you very open minded person and even more smarter and wiser. but for me I see postive benfites in many ways. especially for less developed cuntries citzenes. thanks for your comment bro.

wow nice post great idea

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