burning eels is fun | membakar belut sungguh menyenangkan.

in #life7 years ago


this is how we burn eel meat, for us to eat with friends, we do this after a full day looking for eels, fishing in the pond, for us to eat this eel meat makes the body feel more energetic, because eel has mucus in the skin that people believe can making vitality and stamina to rise again.

this kind of thing we have often done, because in our area there are countless eels that can be fishing in the pond or in the river. but in my photo I did not have time to take a photo of the eel when it was intact, but I only had time to take a photo when the eel was clean, we sprayed the eel meat that we have cleaned with the sauce we bought in the market, so the meat eel is not too smelled rancid

for us this is a kesenagan own, and for you also have kesenganagan respectively.


beginilah kami membakar daging belut, untuk kami santap bersama teman-teman, kami melakukan ini setelah seharian penuh mencari belut, dengan memancing di kolam, bagi kami memakan daging belut ini membuat badan terasa lebih bertenaga, karena belut memiliki lendir di kulit yang orang percaya bisa membuat vitalitas dan stamina menjadi bangkit kembali.

hal semacam ini sudah sering kami lakukan, karena di daerah kami terhitung masih banyak belut yang bisa di pancing di kolam atau di sungai. tapisayang dalam foto saya ini, saya tidak sempat mengambil foto belut ketika masih utuh, tapi saya hanya sempat mengambil foto ketika belut sedang di bersihkan, kami mengoles daging belut yang sudah kami bersihkan dengan saus yang kami beli di pasar, agar daging belut ini tidak terlalu berbau anyir

bagi kami ini adalah sebuah kesenagan tersendiri, dan bagi anda juga punya kesengan masing masing.

Thank you for looking at my post

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Looks delicious!

It looks like chicken on the grill hehe. I wanna try and taste that when I go to Bali. By the way can I find eel dish in Bali?

probably because I am in Aceh, Bali is very far from where we are @beachpersona

This looks pretty delicious! The eel in my sisters tank better watch out!

Lezat kali itu bg, gak bagi-bagi ya bg.

Rasa yang gurih dan renyah.
Enaknya makan belut

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