
Well done. I rescued an emaciated pit bull pup that was curled in a pile of debris at our local recycling center. He rode in the bed of my pickup on the way to the animal shelter. As we drove through town everyone was looking at me like, hey ass____! you better take better care of your dog.

Lol then it seems that people have been eyeing on the pup..

We need more people like you in the world.

Who falls down on their first attempt? Haha xD

You would be surprised what happens to people rescuing animals. A very young cat had 3 kittens in our side yard and started to move them to the backyard but left one behind due to a sudden down pour (rain.) The abandoned kitten woke us up out of bed demanding a search party. The next day we returned the kitten to it's Mother. The happy Mother (Yoder) adopted us to only give us one more litter before we put a stop to her population explosion. We joined R.A.I.N. (Rescue Animals In Need) and the rest is history.

Hope you get well soon, good man.

Already better, just a slight fracture, fortunately lol

That's good. That's a fortune cat for you then.

good job. hope you're ok

No biggie, i was surprised that im almost perfectly fine, just broke something minor

I would have done the same thing -- put myself in danger for a kitten. You are a kind person. Thanks for caring!

That was my first trial, which ended spectacularly xD

Little kitty shall send rewards to you in a time of need. My kitty Penguin is pleased.

Why is there a dogecoin but no kittycoin? hmm

and that happend in order to save a kitten, imagine if you try to save a human!

much better to call others, then :)

Well done! Do you know if the kitten was saved? Hope you recover soon.

Oh yeah, one of the nurses is taking care of it now :)

I (most undramatically I must say) rescued a feral kitten late last year, and I have never loved an animal so much!!!

om @kevinwong kalau di indonesia itu nama nya kepleset , akibat dari itu tangan lecet lecet dan luka kecil ehehhe

Hope you and the cat are well now :-)

One of nurses is taking care of it atm :)

That is good to hear :-)
Hope you are fit soon as nothing has happened :-)

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