in #life7 years ago

Are you stumbling toward an uncertain future? You can predict your future by the awareness you have on your purpose. Too many people know what they are running from, but not what they are running to. Run to find your purpose, then concentrate on fulfilling it. Having a powerful why will provide you with the necessary how. Purpose, not money, is your real asset.


Take care of your purpose, and the end will take care of itself. When you base your life on principle, 99 per cent of your decisions are already made. Purpose does what it must; talent does what it can.
Considering an action? "Without a purpose nothing should be done. The purpose of life is life of purpose."
The heights of your accomplishment will equal the depth of your convictions. Seek happiness for its own sake.and you will not find it; seek for purpose. and happiness will follow as a shadow comes with the sunshine. As you reach for your destiny, it will be like a magnet that pulls you. Destiny draws.
It is a poor disgraceful thing not to be able to reply, with some certainty, to the simple questions, What will you be?, what will you do?. Peak performers are people who are committed to a compelling mission. It is very clear that they care deeply about what they do, and their efforts, energies and enthusiasms are traceable back to that particular mission.


Don't just pray that God will do this or that, rather pray that God will make His purpose known to you. The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose. Whatever your plan is just know that nothing else will satisfy you.
As individuals go their way, destiny accompanies them. Don't part company with your destiny. It is an anchor in the storm. A purposeless life is an early death. You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth. What you believe is the force that determines what you accomplish or fail to accomplish in life. Abandon yourself to destiny.

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