in #life7 years ago

Don't fly into rage unless you are prepared for a rough landing. Anger falls one letter short of danger. People constantly blowing fuses are usually left in the dark. If you lose your head, how can you expect to use it.


A Filipino saying advises: "Postpone today's anger until tomorrow." When you are upset, take a lesson from modern science. Always count down before blasting off. The best cure for anger is delay. Blowing your stack always adds to the air pollution, you will never get to the top if you keep blowing yours.
One of the worst fruits of anger is revenge. No passion of the human heart promises so much and pays so little as that of revenge. The longest odds in the world are those against getting even with someone.

Instead of revenge, consider what God said "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, sayeth the Lord. In taking a revenge a man is but even with his enemies; but in passing it over, he is superior.
Time spent in getting even is better used in trying to get ahead. Revenge is like biting a dog because the dog has bitten you. When trying to get even, you will always do odd things. "Vengeance is a dish that should be eaten cold."


Marcus Antonius reflected, " Consider how much more you often suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved."
David Hune said, "He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper; but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstances."

Anger is a boomerang that will surely hit you harder than anyone or anything at which you throw it.

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