Why you should learn through experience and traveling.

in #life6 years ago


Reprogramming our minds

Media, television, and educational programming have changed the face of the world. This has caused a large problem in society all around us. For instance, government programming on the television has led to people living in their own bubbles. Instead of seeing the world around them, they see what the program makers want them to see. Our species is easily brain washable and it's a tragedy that so many people attempt to take advantage of this. John D Rockefeller and other central bankers created the modern education system in the twentieth century. Their goal with this school system was to create obedient factory workers and people who wouldn't question the established system.

The system has been extraordinarily successful at achieving its goals. Let's think about what children go through for these twelve long years. They have to show up at school at the same exact time every morning, every single day just like a factory job. Then they have to sit in the classroom and listen to the lecturer talk for 40 minutes to 2 hours depending on what level you're at. Absolute perfection and regurgitation of the fed information is the only thing that matters to the system. Thinking about the information and attempting creative/alternative approaches is typically discouraged. Many children are robbed of their creative and critical thinking capabilities due to this fact.

The ability to critically think is probably the most important skill you can develop. This involves considering all present perspectives and information in every situation. As an example, you shouldn't believe everything you hear on the news and television. These outlets try to make the world look a lot scarier than it actually is. Personal experience is the best learning tool you have for understanding and enjoying the world. This is why seeing the world and experiencing many new things is one of my top goals in life.

Why I want to travel and see the world

Traveling the world provides an invaluable learning experience and an opportunity for self development. Experiencing different cultures and meeting many different people lets you see the world in many different ways. Furthermore I think that learning and experiencing the world should be a lifelong journey. This is only one piece of the puzzle as I am very passionate about self development and self education. I'm hoping to expand my mind as far as possible and create the world that I want myself and others to live in.

The world is a massive place with so much to offer. It's for this reason that I want to travel as much as possible and enjoy it while I can. Material possessions like your phone, house, and wallet can all be taken away from you. But your memories and experiences, those will always stay with you. It's my belief that the world will be the way you think it is and will be. If you believe the world is a dark and grim place, then odds are that it will be that way for you. Furthermore if you think the world is poor and lacks opportunity, then that is just what you are going to find. Your viewpoint about the world molds the world and life you live. Don't get stuck into one viewpoint, try new things and experience life from different perspectives.

The Importance of Independence

The ability to critically think and experience life for yourself gives you a rewarding sense of independence. It's unfortunate that so many people believe the world view painted by the government and government controlled media. Take the time to dive into the inner workings of the world around all of us. Doing this helps you to reach outside of your own little bubble. There's so much that schools don't teach about how the world actually works. Supplying this information is the whole reason I started Fiducator.

Independence is what I strive to achieve in almost every aspect of my life. Self education about finances and investments led me to the path of financial independence which is very important to me and what I do. Life should be an adventure, and I don't want to let anyone paint that picture for me before I get started. I hope to see many amazing places and meet tons of interesting people all over the world. I really want to document this part of my journey and help to spread the things I learn throughout life!


Great post!
( I would be happy if you could take a look at my latest drawing:)

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