The Dream Car Mentality 🏆

in #life6 years ago

Have you ever thought about your dream car? You know... the car you would own if you could have any car in the world? I have, and it’s a brand new white Lamborghini Aventador.

Let’s go a step further though... do you actually believe that you can purchase your dream car one day? Do you truly BELIEVE that your dream can soon become reality?

A great way to start is to envision yourself sitting in the drivers seat. Listen to the intense rumbling of the engine. Feel the smooth leather seat you are positioned on. Smell the new car smell coursing through your nostrils. Sound weird yet?

This is what the successful do every day. They envision themselves where they want to end up. Not only do they picture it in their minds, they also create the FEELING in their body as if they are literally sitting in the drivers seat of their new vehicle.

The dream car mentality applies to anything want to achieve. A home, a relationship, a fit body, or a fattened bank account. When you envision and feel at the same time, for an extended period of time, you will attain that which you desire.


Posted using Partiko iOS


What a beautiful wonderful thought ! :)

bluengel_i_g.jpg Created by : mipha thanks :)항상 행복한 하루 보내셔용^^ 감사합니다 ^^

@kenmekendez most of people manage to get there dream car but once they got it short time after they start dream for even better can than cars dream never end that is my personal experience.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @kenmelendez,

I first read about this theory in 2001 at 16 years old in a book called The Magic of Thinking Big. Well.. it worked, and more than once, but I had faith of steel. It was a roller coaster, that's for sure, but I think the lesson you taught in this article is true.

The next thing you might want to write about is choosing your vision(s) wisely. Money and cars is an incredible dream for some people, but once you get there, it is definitely not the top of the ladder in life.

Good health in all areas of life, and in a balanced way is the top of the ladder, at least that's what it looks like from here!

~ @chrisrice

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