Types of friends

in #life6 years ago



Types of friends

There are three types of friends that we have. Some of them stay for a lifetime others just accompany us for some years, month or even weeks but not all friends are equal. There are some significant differences. So, today I am going to explain three vastly different types of friendships and how you can filter through the nonsense. The first type of friendship is the practical friendship. We keep this friendship to maximize our personal benefit.

This practical or utility friendships are like most friendships based on reciprocity. Practical friendship have developed for example if we spend plenty of time with an individual without specifically picking them in the first place. It's inevitable to face a lot of students in school. As a result, we might begin developing friendships and some of these friendships are just there for the mutual benifit. Making practical friends is helpful. If your group work is coming up or if we need to know what we've missed in class, they help us out, we help them out.

As simple tit for tat both parties benefit and might even enjoy the company of each other yet. These friendships are by no means deep connections. Most of the time they on a surface level. After graduating this type of friendships will probably die out rather quickly because we are not forced to be in the same place anymore.

We just go and look for new practical friends in our new hometown, in our new job. Practical friendships can develop into something deeper but most of the time. They remain superficial. Afterwards you realize that you've just been friends because you forced to spend a lot of time together. It's simple social instinct to make life easier.



Friendship type two is the pleasure of friendship. The main goal is as the name already states and gaining, pleasure. This type of friendship is not bringing us forward in our career but it's quintessential for our happiness. We all need to chill out and have fun this could be through sports, playing video games, drinking and partying or pretty much anything you are into.

Pleasure relationships are a tad bit deeper than practical ones. We enjoy spending time together and we share not only a lot of our personal information. We also share pleasurable experiences. These freindships can last for a very long time. If we take care of them, pleasure friendships are the most frequent type of friendships.

Most of my and probably most of your friendships strive for mutual pleasure. They are easy to maintain and conflicts only occur really yet. If a big argument comes up, then the friendship might be doomed. As both parties have plenty of other pleasure friendships to go to. There simply no need to fix it.

Lastly we have the most important but also the rarest type true or real friendship.This is stereotypical friendship we see in movies. Reciprocity and mutual benefit plays a crucial role in pleasure and practical friendships but this moves into a side role for real friendship. This type has no specific goal and set to people spend time together for the sake of the other person.

We are deeply interested in the other person. We find a character intriguing we like to see them succeed and we enjoy finding out new details about them. It also includes aspect of the other two types but real friendship are not limited.Jealousy might limit the pleasure friendship but it is not a problem for true friendship As these aim to an each other these freindships are based on all the right intentions.



Pledge our friendships require the both friends receive pleasure if one is not receiving what he craves, he will become uncomfortable and unsatisfied. In practical and pleasure friendships we always have an instakill approach.

We might not say that we are in it for personal gain but that's how it actually is and true friendships on the other hand, it's not a big deal. If one friend is doing better because the other one will be happy for him.True friendship do not only offer practical support. They also include emotional support.

Additionally, these friendships are honest, pleasure and practical friendship might include some tiny or even big lies just to escape a dreaded confirmation. If we screwed up, then a true friend will let us know. They don't hesitate with criticism but the goal is not to make us miserable. Provoding constructive criticism might be a bit unpleasant yet. It is necessary to bring us forward.Lastly they got out back and stand up to defend us.

We often believe that we have this last type when in reality we just have the combination of the first two. True friendships develop over time and last pretty damn long. Finding these can be tedious work but it is worth the effort. In the end, we only really need the first two and most of us are only having the first two.

We think we have it all because we do not recognize that we are missing out on the last piece. The last few percent the last friend to achieve the full benefit. We don't need to drop all of our current friends but maybe we should be looking for that one single good friend.

That one friend who is not only interested in partying with us and his personal gain that one friend who is interested in our career and our success. Alternatively we could develop it with a friend that we already have.

We bring forward more trust, we bring forward more support, we bring forward more constructive criticism and at the same time we leave out jealousy and resentment. It is not necessarily easy to move into the last sector and you might even sacrifice a friendship for it but keep in mind a single true friend is more valuable than five pleasure or practical friends.Quality over quantity.



Thank you so much for reading my post. Please stay tuned for more.



I agree. A friendship needs to be symbiotic and mutually beneficially to both parties. Great post! 😊

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