Introducing: Performance artists - TODAY He Yunchang

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemers!

Im starting a new topic in my blog about contemporary performers. The idea is to present one artist per post, and show their works so we can know them.

Before ill start i thought it was a good idea to explain a bit the concept of performance, with some help of wikipedia heh.


WIKIPEDIA . Performance art is a performance presented to an audience within a fine art context, traditionally interdisciplinary. Performance may be either scripted or unscripted, random or carefully orchestrated; spontaneous or otherwise carefully planned with or without audience participation. The performance can be live or via media; the performer can be present or absent. It can be any situation that involves four basic elements: time, space, the performer's body, or presence in a medium, and a relationship between performer and audience. Performance art can happen anywhere, in any type of venue or setting and for any length of time. The actions of an individual or a group at a particular place and in a particular time constitute the work. 


My explanation is similar, i think performance is an action that one person or a group make in some determinated place. It can use photographs, video, plastic art, an instalation, etc. And it wants to generate something in those who watch it, questions, emotions, answers. So the body, time and space are always involve.

Lets meet the first artist!

1- He Yungchang

Also knew as  A. Chang, i found him in a instragram page, 69performanceclub. I was shocked when i saw the photographs of his works so i decided to search more of it. As you will see next, all his performance work use the body pain and he puts him self in a mental and physical limit. At least we know (because he said it) that he doesn't to die during his art actions.

I warn you that, especially the videos, they contain images that can disturb you. ( This warn i forgot in the spanish post)

Some of his work


The day of the inauguration of the Olympic games in Beijing (08/08/2008) He Yunchang had a surgery in the one he ask to been removed of one of his ribs. Then he took it and made a neclass. In this work one thing that he want to show is the human freedom, he is in conflict with China and it system. (Honestly i couldn't see the whole video, just parts of it, going forward the parts with lot of blood. But all the proces was recorded :o)


This work (10/10/2010) started with a meeting with 25 persons who were asked to vote if he had to make cut from the clavicle to the knee, without anesthesia and with a deep of 0,5 cm. The result was 12 in favor and 10 disagreed, 3  refused to vote. So he made it. ( Here is the video too, for those who want to watch)

Well besides these works you can find several others, they are controversial and generate diferents discutions, but I find them very interesting. I leave a video of him that I found on youtube. 

What do you think of his works? Did you know him? I hope you like the post. I promise that them will not be always so extremes haha .Upvote if you liked and I look forward to your comments!

Sources of images.




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