Why You Should Stop Making "Excuses."steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


So many people come up with a list of excuses and justifications for not doing the things hey want to do in life! But should you let those things hold you back?

We see people without limbs do amazing things. We see people with mental illnesses do amazing things. They don't make excuses! They just do it!

Letting excuses hold you back will only hold you back in the end.
In our fast paced world we don't have time for excuses.
Sure you may have kids, A full-time job. But you can still put in 10 minutes of the effort.

Stop Underestimating the power of consistency.

People don't seem to realize how much that 10 minutes a day can add up. That's over an hour a week! So if you like to watch Tv, Cut back for 10 minutes and work towards a goal you've been aiming for your whole life.
Start writing that book you've always wanted to write. Just go! How Many words can you type in 10 minutes?
How many words can you type per hour? Of course, you have to do research. But it all adds up.
If you want to boost your social media presence spending 10 minutes a day on Pinterest or Instagram will gradually get you the results you want.

Excuses don't matter ten years from now.

What are you going to tell people ten years from now, When you never got what you wanted.
"Oh, I was busy working a job."
Yeah, Everyone else was working a job too.
That's going to spawn a shit load of regret. When you realize your excuses stopped you from having the life you've ever wanted.

" I was scared."
Yeah, guess what?! Everyone is sometimes scared.
I'm not saying you shouldn't have feelings, But you need to push through whatever excuse you have.

I don't have enough money

This is a common excuse. & sometimes it can be somewhat justified. But if you don't have enough money, Maybe your first focus should be on making more money, So you can then do whatever it is your procrastinating.

One personal example, Is I LOVE to hike. But I do not have a car.
I also can't afford a car right now. So instead of sitting around sad because I can't hike. I buy a bus ticket to take me to the base of the mountain. I then go hiking!

There are ways to do anything; You just need to find a way to what you want. It's there; You just need to look for it.

Look on Google, Read books, Ask people in groups doing what you want to do. Most people are more than happy to tell you about their personal experiences and can give you the information you need.

Avoid the Facebook Loop

Another common excuse is "I don't have time."

  • Do you watch Tv?
  • Do you have an Email?
  • Do you have social media accounts?
    If you said "yes" To any of these questions...
    You have time

Stay away from that Facebook loop. That's when you are mindlessly checking your email, You go to Facebook, Then you go to your email, Then you go to Facebook. Etc.
You get it.
Eventually, you may stop yourself, And think "What am I doing?"

Use the POMODORO Technique

This is my favorite productivity tactic.
You set a timer for 20 minutes to work on something specific; Then you get a 5-10 minute break, Then you set the timer again.
If you get distracted during your 20, Start over.
This sounds simple, But it gets a lot done.

Heres an example of how I use it.

  • 20 minutes of research for my T-shirts.
  • 5-minute break, do Pushups, get a drink of water.
  • 20 minutes of T-shirt creation
  • 10-minute break: 10 Squads, And a quick snack.
  • 20 minutes of coloring page editing.

You get the idea!

Why the breaks?

When you take breaks, it allows you to get your mind off what you are working on for a while.
It also allows you to be more productive during your 20 minutes.
When you don't take breaks, it's easy to get off track, Checking facebook here and there. It adds up. Then after a while, Your day is up. And it's time for bed. You got nothing done...

Regret is a brutal feeling, And it's not something you'll want to live with. It's important that you start NOW on the things that you want, And stop making excuses.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


Great article. Lesson learned.

Thank you ehhe.

I'd read this but I don't have the time :p.


Yes :)

good article.thank you

Very good @kaylinart! i love your blog!

Thank you so much hhehe :)

<3 this is awesome

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