The Funniest Thing Happened To Me Yesterday....

in #life7 years ago


I was out for a late night walk; I do this everyday. I usually go in some basketball shorts, a T-Shirt And I don't wear any makeup.
As I was walking, There was a man that came onto the bridge on a bicycle.
He had a bright light on his bike that made it hard for me to see him.
The Man: Whats Up Girl!?
I smiled. I realized that it was one of my old coworkers from UPS that I haven't seen in years.
So, Of course, I said "Hello" back happily. But I was a little embarrassed; I wasn't wearing any makeup. And I don't feel comfortable without it.

I became a bit offended When my coworker rode away on his bike... Wouldn't he stop and talk to me for a second? I haven't seen him in over 8 months!! That's when I realized he would still be at work right now, But He wasn't.

So at the last second, I turned around And playfully yelled at him


I wasn't feeling shy, Or awkward. Because I knew this man..
Or so I thought...
He turned around and came up to me. He started laughing it was 9:00 p.m. and most people are off way before that time. But I knew my coworker works until around that time.

But it wasn't who I thought it was

It was some random man I've never seen in my life. He just happened to have a voice that sounded like my coworker. And because it was dark I wasn't able to get a good look at him.girl-1125318_960_720.jpg

He immediately started flirting with me, And he asked me my age.
I think he thought I was underage. LOL
That's when he said that I look "So young" for being 24.
He eventually asked for my number, and I gave it to him, Still in shock that it wasn't my coworker.

That's when I remembered something

I'm normally a very shy person. I would have never yelled at a stranger like that. But It reminded me of "back in the day" how the woman used to make the first move on men that they were attracted to, By dropping their handkerchief on the ground, The man wanting to save the day would pick it up for her.

Being "you" Makes You Attractive!

I'm not exactly the most social person. And lately, I've wanted to change that. So I've been watching and reading a lot about how to interact with people and how to display confidence. SO many of us get all "tense" when we are around someone we don't know. We don't show our super attractive personality right off the bat. In a way, we are robbing people the chance to get to know us.

In this case, I made a move on this guy, Without even realizing I was doing it. I didn't hide my personality Because I thought it was my coworker. So Instead of being all serious, I let my goofy and bubbly side show.
Even after the initial embarrassment of me realizing that it wasn't the person I thought he was. I had become so comfortable with the situation that I was able to have a conversation with the man without any issues.
When he asked me if He could take me to dinner. I replied "I'll think about it" in a joking manner.
I was shocked by how smooth I was talking When normally I'd be scared shitless.

Make an Ass out of yourself more

Sometimes we struggle on showing who we are; We need to embarrass ourselves more.
We worry too much if people are going to like us, That we aren't able to do certain things.
The reality is when don't care about what people think about you; You become more attractive.
When We are too afraid of doing things, We often miss out on opportunities.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


From now on you must stop using makeup, as you look younger without it... You have made the right choice by taking the initiative first, otherwise you would have regretted for not knowing the truth about the man. The moral of the story is woman should not wait for the man to take the first move.

also, don't wear makeup... that often.

Oh my.

I love this post.

Being shy is totally me too.

Glad you gave him your number.

There was a time one girl didn't.

Damn... those memories! :P

When We are too afraid of doing things, We often miss out on opportunities.

How true! And I often always say this: HAVE FUN! :)

I think your right about being authentic. Often when I let my personality shine the right people resonate with me the most. The wrong kinds of people either try to prey on me, hate or run away though. It's also less effort than putting on some fake mask everyday. Being real lets you spent more energy on being constructive in life.
That guy sounded creepy though...

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LMAO this meme is funny!!
Yeah, he was a bit creepy. But I do have a block function on my phone. SO I may not actually go out with him.

Indeed. It gives when a good chuckle every time I see it. I'm sure you can sort the guy out for yourself. ^_^

People just love authenticity , i know i do.
But it can be hard sometimes if you are constantly being judged by the world.

Totally agree that this shouldn´t matter. Be happy, Be you!

Talking to strangers can be very rewarding in some cases, other times not. I walk my two dogs four times a day which puts me outside, on the sidewalks of town alot. Just saying hello to some of the regular pedestrians and fellow dog walkers has expanded me friend base significantly.

I've also said how are you to a strange woman and she replied "why do you want to know?" in a sneering manner. You never know what you'll get but it's generally worth taking the chance.

So I've been watching and reading a lot about how to interact with people

What are you watching/reading? I'm trying to be more outgoing too...

The law of attraction...Be who you are, then people will see you for what you are!
Nice post!

Hi I am @MKDouglas and I am introvert.

Introverts Anonymous.

Be authentic and you attract people on the same frequency :)

Exactly ehhe

You're beautiful..nice post by the way, cheers!

Thank you ehhee

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