Stop Worrying About Getting "Better" At Something!

in #life7 years ago


When People talk about the things, they want to improve in their life. I'm surprised by some responses.

  • They want to draw better
  • they want to get better at sports.

While specifics are good, People underestimate something important.
If you don't have the skills to become good at something, You cannot improve at anything.

I noticed this when I began new hobbies outside of drawing.
I assumed that because I was good at drawing, that was my skill, MY ability. What I was good at. I assumed that people were usually good at one thing. But being good at many things was "impossible."
Which makes some sense. There is limited time in the day.

Have you ever met those people though, That seem to have unlimited talents? They can cook, Draw, Play an instrument, Do the math. Etc.
The list of talents goes on forever!

Self Control

When Improving if you focus on personality improvements instead of very specific improvements. It makes it easier to improve on everything. Rather than just one thing.
Self-control can keep you going when you don't want to anymore.
Self-control can help you find new ways of doing things that you may have otherwise been blind to.

Having self-control and discipline trumps talent when it comes to achievement.
We all know those people who have this "natural" ability to do things. But the reality is, Many of us arent' like that.
If you look at my early drawings in grade school. I was no better than anyone else. But I started getting into drawing at 12 years old. I disciplined myself. I forced myself to draw on those days where it was hard for me to do so.

Self Discipline is a practice, Something you can learn even at a young age.

Focus On Consistency.

Many people can try something for a day, Or even a week. But in the end, they fail because of the lack of consistency. This is why so many people fail their weight loss New Years Resolutions. Because they start off strong, Often losing a few pounds. But March rolls around, and they have already given up. Consistency is hard, ANd it requires discipline.

Delayed Gratification

Not only do people struggle with consistency, and disciplined. But many goals we have in life, Require some form of delayed gratification. Many of us are out of practice with this, Because life is getting more and more convenient and easy.

Back in the day, If you wanted to see a new movie, You'd have to get into your car, drive the nearest Blockbuster and pay 3-4 to rent a movie.
Now you can easily get it with Netflix, Hulu, Or even Redbox.
Instead of waiting weeks for shipping, We can now get free 2-Day shipping with Amazon prime. While stuff like this, really enhances our lives. It makes us harder to wait for the more important stuff.
Like the job promotion, Retirement.
These things require self-discipline, Consistency, and Delayed Gratification.
With retirement, You are saving money that you could spend NOW. For later on. You have to have the discipline to save that money. And you have to do it on a consistent basis for best results.


Great, You want to get better at Soccer, Talking to people or Cycling.
But instead of focusing on that specifically try and exercise different qualities in every aspect of your life. That way any improvement will be that much easier for you.

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yes yes yes! I agree. When people tell me that they can't draw, and I have this "natural" ability, I tell them, I've just put in more time and effort to get better at it, and it's the truth! I started drawing when I was 4 and I just never stopped. :) Great article, keeping me pumped to keep going. thanks for that.

I used to train artists (probably 200 or more) and I can promise some of the best started out as some of the worst. I taught confidence and attitude not art istelf. That's came from within of each once they started. Determination and belief are the most important skills... accompanied by practice.

"Have you ever met those people though, That seem to have unlimited talents?"
Yes I have, he was kinda cocky, too xD Still a nice guy nonetheless ^^

"You can always learn something new."

LOL! I know people like that.


sir its no nice, its look so very beautiful,great photography capture,amazing photography,nice post

@kaylinart, I agree with the content of you article, especially the following line:

If you don't have the skills to become good at something, You cannot improve at anything.

But we live in a culture that tells me that they are good at something when in fact that they are not. We have started to celebrate mediocrity instead of excellence. We foster a me-mentality, instead of working hard.

I agree with what you said, but I am afraid that our culture will not listen to this important message.

I agree with that completely! we should change our priorities.

Oh thanks for reminding me and taking out some pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No human can be good at everything and that's why we work on things that we are weak on or thingns we don't really know how to do and the way we progress helps us to get satisfaction and also helps us have better skills

Consistency is the key, thank you!

Love reading your wisdom!

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