STOP! Focusing On Things That DON'T MATTER!

in #life7 years ago


There are so many variables in life. Heck in one day you could probably worry about a million different things. While technology has simplified our lives in so many ways, it's also made things so much more complicated.
What should I wear today, What brand of toothpaste should I use? Should I floss today? Should I eat breakfast? What should I eat for breakfast? When should I wake up today? What should I do today?

It goes on and on...
As I keep watching Gary Vee Videos as a source of motivation. I can't forget one thing he's working so hard to drill into all of our heads.

Sometimes people get after me for not being "Overly concerned" about different aspects of my business. Sometimes I screw up. Some of my designs look stupid. But I'm more focused on the big picture, Rather than nitpicking every flaw. Of course, When I make mistakes I try to fix them. But I don't obsess over them. And if something just isn't working, I'll drop it. Instead of wasting my time.


While sometimes it would be easier if things could happen overnight. It doesn't work that way. And a year from now, You'll wish you at least started.
A year ago, My shirt business was just a baby. I had probably only 50 shirts up!
A year later I have over 2,000 and over 10,000 products on Amazon. Imagine if I have that type of growth every year? My business will soon be a monster!
What if I threw in the towel? What If I was too "nitpicky" On everything? Then I wouldn't have grown as fast as I did. Of course, there is room for improvement. Of course, I could do better on the sales to no sales on my products. But still, I've made great progress!

Stop Listening To Opinions

Another Gary Vee Thing, I'm stealing a lot of his ideas!

But we are way too much about others opinions. At the end of the day, If someone ends up staring at you, Who cares?
I used to get embarrassed to take my reusable grocery bags in the store, Or If I forget them at home, I won't use a bag at all. I'll just put the item back into the cart, And put it into the laundry basket I keep in the trunk of my car (I can haul a massive amount of groceries in, In one trip).
People often stare at you for using bags like that. And they even have these cool mesh bags for your produce.
There seems to almost no reason to use plastic bags. I care about the environment so much That I stopped caring what people thought. I also hated bringing home all these plastic bags, Not knowing what to do with them. Because They can't go in my blue bin.
Once I switched I started feeling a lot better about using fewer bags. If I never quit "caring" about peoples opinions. I would never have made the switch.
Many people want to make big changes in their life. They want a new career, Or relationship or whatever it is. But what usually is holding us back is that we care too much about others opinions. Whats the point of living for someone else? That won't get you anywhere.

Our Looks

We often associate success with the stuff that people own
For the 300.00 Shoes that you wear, Is that someone you want in your life?
I used to be guilty of thinking like this before I had a car. I was afraid of dating because I felt I wouldn't be able to get someone great if they knew I didn't even have a vehicle.
So that's what made me more determined to buy a car so I would raise my chances of getting someone great.
I noticed something odd.
Most people didn't even care. Many of the guys I talked to didn't seem bothered by the fact I didn't have a car. I would meet up for a date, On my bicycle. And some of the people seemed to think it was kind of cool that I rode all the places I needed to go on a bike.
Then when I got a car, I was surprised when nothing changed.

So don't worry if you don't own fancy things! If it works for you, That's all that matters. We need to stop trying to keep up with the "Joneses."
You don't have to prove yourself, Or your income to anyone.
Unless of course, you are trying to get a loan from a bank ;)
Laura lemonss hehehe.png


@kaylinart Everytime you have a new post I get excited. I think of nothing else that would CLOG my mind except looking forward to your next post. OK, I think about one other thing and that is how is your driving doing ?? HaHa

Aww you are so sweet hehe :)
My driving is getting better each day! I drove on the highway the other day and did pretty well :)

You are just such a TREAT Lady and I am so honored with your presence...............

Thank you heheh :) I'm following you now so I can see your other posts.

@kaylinart I just saw what you did and I am Grateful Young Lady.............I would be proud to be your Knight my QUEEN..........

Everyone is always concerned about image and what people think of them and while in some cases it is important to at least not look like a hobo say for job interviews, dates etc, you don't have to do everything to please others when you yourself are the primary focus, as is your happiness.

Exactly! You want to put effort into your appearance. But you don't have to wear crazy expensive stuff. Or large diamonds or anything crazy lol. Like you said, You need to focus on your happiness primarily.

Hides his $160 Nike shoes 😂

Worry to comical extremes. You'll laugh and feel better.

Exactly! As long as you can turn it into a laughing matter. haha.

Such an inspiring post! Time is the most valuable thing we have, we should try and focus on our passions first

I believe one thing in my life.. patience is the key.. we cant change our luck within 1-2 days.. but we can continue our work.. bring new ideas.. make new plans.. and be patient.. You must be rewarded after a certain time!

Exactly! And it takes a lot of consistency too.

It's very easy to give energy to things that don't matter. I like your message here. It's a great reminder that all the fretting about image - even how you bag your groceries - can suck the life out of you. There are so many more things that are more deserving of our time!

Very true I have some great ideas but have for too long been listening to other opinions. Recently have have developed anew found faith in my ideas and my instinct which I am now fowling things are now improving only to get better :)

another uplifting and thought-provoking read 👍thx for sharing 😊

Sometimes as human beings we tend to worry over the littlest things and don't realize that people out there have it worse than us

What helped me was to focus on a goal. This might not seem like much but it narrows the variables you mentioned and that makes you less anxious to engage in what you want to do. It helps you to worry less about unimportant things and lets you focus on what's relevant.

Great post ! :)

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