Start Procrastinating NOW!

in #life7 years ago

Procrastinating is not only fun! But it makes you feel like absolute garbage on what you accomplished for the day!
Here are some wonderful tips to help you start procrastinating.

Don't write anything down!

Never make to-do lists, They will make you procrastinate less, and this is NOT What we want here. Writing things down will make you remember the things you have to do for the day, And that's not the best way of forgetting and procrastinating what you want to accomplish!

Spend All Day On Social Media

I'm not referring to Steemit; I'm referring to super time wasters like FACEBOOK and Twitter. Spending all day on these sites will make procrastinating a breeze, you can waste hours on them. And Accomplish nothing.

Watch Netflix Or Hulu

Have a mini goal to watch everything on both of these sites, That way you'll never run out of things to watch. You'll never get anything done when you watch excessive amounts of TV.
Plus your eyes will be strained and your brain numb, so you REALLY won't want to do anything else.

Don't Take Responsibility

It's not your fault you didn't get things done. It's everyone else's fault.
It's Netflix's fault for making their shows so addicting; It's your mom's fault because she didn't do the things for you. Your Laundry didn't jump in the washer on it's own? That's your laundry fault, Not yours.
By not taking responsibility, You can make your life a lot easier. You'll never have to feel bad about yourself for procrastinating, You can feel good about yourself knowing that it is ALWAYS SOMEONE else's fault.


Procrastinating is good for you, It will make you feel like you have all the time in the world. You'll never have to worry about being stressed out if you follow many of these tips. If you never take responsibility, and you are always watching TV. You'll never have to worry about the things you are missing out on in life because you'll be so distracted!

This is a joke, Do The Opposite!


hahaha abolutely right. Those are time killers. Procrastination is also a self defeating behavior. We as people tend to do it not knowing we are sabotaging ourselves.

indeed. we are making us self tired with actually saying nothing what I say to myself everytime I'm on steemit for two extra hours that should have been spent working on my website ;-)

OMG!! Haha I totally get that, I pretty much abandoned my website, I'm too addicted to Steemit.

OMG This is so funny hehe

Great post keep them coming!

Thank you! I will hehe :)

I wish there was a share button on comments! Love the logic...

Ok, I'll Start Procrastinating again: @kaylinart
Not, lol Funny...

HAHHA Thanks! Hehe.

Thank God for Steemit, my social media time has become a very productive and rewarding one...

Right? I Feel the same way.

I'll finish reading this and comment later. I just don't have time now. ;)

LOL nailed it!

Just simply getting shit done is easy and boring. Procrastinating makes life worth living :)

Great advice! I'm always looking for ways to be less productive. :P

If I start procrastinating anymore I'll be completely post!!!

OMG This makes me laugh hehehe XD

I will take your advices. Really. I especially like the Conclusion.
But I was thinking of posting this comment tomorrow... But I'll post it now. So maybe it means I'm not procrastinating anymore?
Haha, Cheers Kaylin.

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