Shut Up; You Are Not Original!

in #life6 years ago


"I can't do that it's been done before". I hear this all the time; people use this excuse to not chase their dreams. They act like they need this crazy original idea in order to do something with their lives.
They sit wish they had these original ideas, but they can't seem to come up with anything. The problem is no one's ideas are completely original. Every idea you've ever had in your entire life, has come from something that you've seen, done, or heard. It's a mix of everything. None of your ideas have ever been fully original. Doesn't that sound depressing?

We Are Influenced

Whether you like it or not, you can try to avoid being influenced much possible. Ultimately you'll be swayed either way. It could be something that you heard years ago. That's affecting what your ideas are today. It's easy to be convinced that all of our ideas are completely original. But they are really not.


Stop Treating Ideas Like They Are Gold

Sometimes we are hesitant about sharing our ideas. We are worried other people take action on them. Or use them as their own. While I'm always encouraging us to keep track of our ideas. Ideas are not gold. They are everywhere, they are constant, and they aren't that big of a deal overall. I'm sure many people had the same idea for many successful businesses these days. But the problem is they did not take action. Action is everything! Most people don't take action.
They go with what's less risky, with easy, so even though that we are influenced. We often don't do anything about it. I'm sure many other people had the idea for Steemit before it happened. But the problem is, those people didn't take action. Thats how all things are.

Influence Doesn't Have To Be A Bad Thing

The problem with influence is it can be bad or good. What we surround ourselves with is what we get. I noticed when I started surrounding myself with other business people, I start generating new business ideas to grow my own business. It's just like with personalities, when I surround myself with more negative people, I tended to see things in a more negative light.

Your ideas will often be similar to those who are around you. Which is a big reason we get so much diversity. But at the same time if you've noticed, When you are around the same people all the time, The thoughts, Opinions you have may be very similar to those. That proves that you guys are influencing each other to a certain degree.

Get Started

Next time you don't want to start something because it's not an original idea. Remember that noting your ideas are not original.
while many of your ideas may be mixed, like you may come up with an idea for a unicorn panda bear. They have been something that's probably been done before. Or heck, someone has had the same exact ideas you have. They just didn't take action. Be the person that takes action, And moves your ideas to the next level. It makes all the difference.




I agree completely. You don't have to invent the wheel in order for it to be a good idea. Put together your idea and develop it as much as you are inspired to do, and go searching for other people who have come up with the concept already. I bet the combination of your original thought, and the work that someone else has done already, will just result in a better version of that idea. That is what you were after in the first place right?

It is the inspiration and your personality that are the fuel for a great concept and you don't have to be the patent holder to make the world better or more beautiful.

Do and inspire!

Right? Thats exactly what happens hehe.

I’ve heard that many of the greatest inventions, the ones we learn the inventor’s names in school, like the light bulb, telephone, etc were actually simultaneously invented by several people in several places as if the universe drops the idea into our world at once. BTW...Don’t try to steal my idea for the unicorn panda. I better not see it on a tee shirt ;-D

LOL! Right? I swear that happens all the time! I feel many of us humans think alike.
Heheh Too late! I have a designer making something silly like that :P LOL! But we can always make our own versions.

i love your post and i like your title "Shut Up; You Are Not Original"

from today i am your fan and i also follow you.

Agree who influences us, how we are influences, and our habits is a large part of who we become.

Absolutely nothing in life is original. Only repackaged and marketed differently. Thanks.

Right? It's so true!

Undoubtedly, social influence is present in all areas of human life, society influences the perceptions, attitudes, judgments, opinions or behaviors of people. That is why we all modify our behavior based on the interaction you have with your environment.
There are many people who think they have a great idea but do not execute it for fear of failure or fear of losing their investment

It could be something that you heard years ago. That's affecting what your ideas are today

This is totally right, and that's why I think it is important to share our ideas.

We never know which idea would be able to inspire another person to accomplish something incredible. The same happens with us, we should always be humble enough to ideas and learn from other people.

Hello @kaylinart. Excellent post. Originality is born from the personal touch that is put to ideas. The influence of others is always implicit.

Ideas, ideas, ideas!.
I've gotten so many ideas in the past that I was too doubtful or lazy to execute/work on and now other people are making good money from that same idea 🤦.

This is motivational and I'm gonna get started right now.
I have some new ideas I'd start working on now.
Thanks Sweety.

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