Practice Gratitude!

in #life7 years ago


We ALWAYS have problems. This life is crazy; Things always go wrong. Sometimes in ways, we'd never imagine. Sometimes it seems like nothing ever goes right.
But there is always something to be grateful for!

It's A Habit

Being grateful is a habit! It's seriously something that takes practice, And if you are starting from a place of negativity, it will take a while for you to build the habit of feeling grateful.
Being grateful for SOMETHING in even rough times Will make it easier for tough times.

Just remember it will end at some point.

Savor The Positive

There is a positive trait to every bad event.
Be mindful of everything around you. Try to appreciate even the small things. Everyone has something. Sadly, When we have something great for a long time, It can be hard to appreciate it. The longer we have something, the more the value goes down.

As I've gotten used to having a car, I've somewhat forgotten what it's like not to have a car. I then am reminded by coworkers, How I'd bike 6 miles to work each day, In the rain or snow.
And I find myself appreciating my car 10x more.
We often forget how nice it is to have certain things. Sometimes its good to take those things from ourselves for a bit, to help ourselves remember what it's like to have that thing.

Don't Be Entitled

You are entitled to NOTHING!
Yes, it's true.
No one owes you anything.
When you order food, Be grateful for it when it's brought over.
When You go to the store, be grateful for the employee who is ringing up your stuff for you.

Entitlement is a big reason people are so unhappy these days.
It's easy to get upset when you don't get what you want, Especially when you think it's supposed to be handed to you. When you don't get what you think you rightfully deserve it's easy to feel cheated, and stolen from. Even though no one owed you that in the first place. But when you instead come from a place of being grateful for the thing, Service or whatever. You can experience feelings of joy that come from that. Plus people love doing for others when they feel appreciated in return. Your grateful attitude will just make them want to do more for you.
See everything as a gift! Rather than something owed to you.

Be Grateful For Small Things

We often forget the small things in our daily life And forget to see their significance. It can be as simple as the sun is out, Or the fact you got to eat today, Those little things add up. And can keep you in a good mood all day long! We often underestimate the power of those little things.



I used to to be like why is this happening to me , and what not but I don’t realize that there are people out in the world with nothing . I should be thankful for a house , for food on the table for family . Everything is so temporary in this world

Exactly! I feel like we all have those moments where we feel somewhat sorry for ourselves. We all have those hard times!

Please and thank you goes a long way too. At least even if the person doesn't care, you can feel good knowing you have used your manners and be grateful for bringing that positive influence to the world. :)

Exactly! So many people don't know manners anymore haha

There are so many people who don't even have the privilege of eating food or wearing good clothes.
We should be grateful to God for everything that we have
Instead of complaining of various things.

EXACTLY! Most people don't even have the essentials.

We attach less importance to things that matters. When we don't get what we want we are mad, we feel disappointed but we forget one thing has to be in place before every other things follows. What is that?


Of all things we must be grateful for the life we have to pursue our dreams and vision.

Exactly! We can get what we want at some point if we work for it. But often it doesn't come when we think it will.

You always have wise words :D !

I think the same about gratitude and I have actually made 1 or 2 posts about this.

Adopting a sense of gratefulness also allows us to maintain a more positive attitude in our day to day life, which in long term can mean big changes in what happens to us. Besides, feeling good can also work as an energy boost which help us increase our productivity.

Cheers @kaylinart!

Remember that life is only one moment and that time is like water! If you live in a lost state in your dreams, you will miss valuable moments. Focus on the moment and live every day with optimism, desire and strength.
I also noticed that Steemit followed me. You gave me my share support the other day. This made me very happy. Thank you @kaylinart

Hey Kaylinart,

Thank you so much for this life lesson. I am about to sleep now and I am happy I got something good to consume before I hit the bed.

Gratitude is very important and plays big role in the happiness of your life. Just imagine you have a problem or something went wrong, so now you are angry and your whole day or sometimes whole weekend will go wrong and unproductive while if you just accept it, remain positive and try to solve that problem it would be more fun.

I always say, In anycase we have to live so why not live happily than being sad.

This post just reminded me of one of sponge bob square pants episode where he made a song with gratitude for grumpy sqidwards..(hope my spelling is ok)

So sponge bob sang a song a actually made a rhyme saying

you gat to show gratitude of attitude

although its just a kids show but it has teachings, gratitude doesnt knows size nor money, just show.
it gives you a good attitude
nice write up @kaylinart

OMG I Love that! That show is the best lol. Silly Spongebob always so grateful for everything. hehe.

I’m sure there’s a ton of other things you can do, but to be most helpful practice the above to build the foundation in your subconscious mind. What I can say from experience is that once you start doing these things you’ll find that neural pathways open up, cortisol levels drop, and an overall appreciation for everything in your life starts becoming the norm.

Gratefulness is a virtue. Only those that master it can really express it. It shows you know the value of the good or the favour that has been done for you.
He that is grateful for little will be given even much more. There's also nothing too little to be grateful for.

Nice post @kaylinart

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