My Morning Hike, In The Rain, Alone, Without A Car!

in #life8 years ago

Lately, my life has been a bit on the difficult side. I Know EXACTLY What I want out of life. But after my relationship ending, Not quite sure how to get everything that I want.

It kinda sucks having people around, Because you learn to rely on them too much. You know, You plan things together. You work as a "team" To obtain goals. So when they leave, You have to decide how your going to get everything for yourself.

This was a good wake-up call for me. I don't have a car. So no rides up to the mountain. All I have is a road bike, Which I wouldn't carry on the hiking trail with me LOL. And I don't trust to "lock it up" someplace.

I can either lay in bed feeling sorry for myself, Or figure out exactly how to transform my life in a way I want it.

I know I want to hike, But of course, I was overthinking things as per usual.

  1. How do I get to the mountain so I can find trails?
  2. Would hiking be as enjoyable alone?
  3. Is It safe to hike alone?

Getting to the mountain

I've been slowly learning the bus routes. Which has changed my life. Sure, Public transportaition, Who cares right? But I've been so stubborn I've ridden my bike everywhere, And avoided buses at all costs, Which made my life more difficult, Sometimes a bus is more convnient than a bicycle.
Of couse Uber/Lyft is always an option too. But Do I want a ride up in the mountains, with a stranger? In their personal car? That scared me a little bit. But what ended up ruling it out, Was cost. The bus was significantly cheaper. The estimates on Lyft, Say I'd have to pay 44.00 a day. While the bus costs 6.25 for an "all day pass".

I woke up early oddly.

My schedule Is pretty messed up. I stay up all night working and sleep until the afternoon.
I went to bed around 1:00 a.m.
And woke up at 5:00 a.m.
I don't believe in "signs". But it was bizzare that I woke up so early so wide awake. I was going to just start working on coloring book stuff, But I decided to make it a day I wouldn't forget.

I got ready and got on the first bus of the morning.
It took me to the bottom of the canyon, But I realized that this route wouldn't work out the way I wanted to.

The walk into the canyon was 1.5 Miles before I hit my first hiking trail

Even then, The trail was relatively short. So I'd burn through that and get "bored" of it real quick.

I was so excited that I had done this for myself. This is my first time hiking, And actually taking the bus for a reason. LOL.

The hike was rough

It was just a hill forever! Never ending. It was cold outside. I almost didn't go through with the hike, Because the weather app said it would rain at some point.

Hiking alone is the best!

A woman hiking alone may seem odd. But I loved it. The only times I went hiking was the guy I was dating. While I had no problem taking extra breaks, Sometimes I wanted to really push myself physically. And occationally, We wouldn't be able to finish the trail, because he'd be too exhausted, we'd have to turn back. When you hike alone, you go at YOUR pace! You can run, You can walk. You can sit on your butt! It's up to you. It felt good to really exhaust myself and to see how much endurance I have.

Surprisingly I saw more women on the trail then men! Many of the women were alone too. These women seemed like they hiked all the time, So Maybe it's not as dangerous as everyone thinks. I really admire those women who non stop run! I hope I can get like that at some point.

The Rain

During most of the hike, It was sprinkling. Which was nice, Because I was all sweaty from the initial 1.5 mile walk up the canyon. But as the rain got heavier I got really cold. Once I finished the trail and had to turn back the trails were really muddy. Overall a great hike! But by the time I got back to the bus, I was so cold I was shaking!

I eventually made it back home and took a warm shower! I added up how far I hiked.... 8 Miles! Woo hoo!!

What next?

I'm going to the movies by myself next week! I'm way excited.
Although I can't decide if I want to see Rings 2 or Beauty and the Beast.


Love the mood of the pictures, that greyish, misty feeling.
Hiking is just a wonderful thing.
The best times in my life were hiking with my best friend (although he is taller than I am, we walk exactly at the same pace). We almost always stray off the tracks and do a little bouldering on some rocks and stuff like that.
Also having a basic meal on top of a mountain is one of the greatest things there is, imo.
Hiking alone can also be great, but I have to admit that I always thought "oh I wish I could share that moment with someone" whenever I was hiking alone.
Cool blog, keep it up. Makes me want to go out, right NOW (too bad it's 1 am).

Awww!! Maybe you can tomorrow!!? I definitely need to make some hiking friends so I can do similar stuff heehe.

Very cool that you had this adventure!

I go out alone too, sometimes but yeah, I get it that it's different for a woman. I live across the street from a few hundred acres of hiking and biking trails so it's easy for me to get there! :-) I rent rooms in my house so come visit sometime and we'll hike, or go alone! :-) Wishing you all the best and enjoy the movie!

WOww!!! We should that would be way fun! I wish I lived that close. I think I live around 15 miles away from the hiking trails. So I have to work hard to get there.

Nice read @kaylinart!!! Hiking alone is fine, i do it most every day. But I hope (i.e. encourage) you pack some essentials like a flashlight, first aid kit, way to start a fire, pocket knife, water, etc. I'm sure you probably already know or do this, ok off soapbox.

Not sure where this is, but it sure looks beautiful!

It's in Utah :) I do pack some stuff like that. Probably not as much as I should though LOL. But then again my hikes aren't too long .. yet! Haha! I guess I was afraid to hike alone because my mom raised me to be afraid of everything. That there is a 99% of a serial killer lurking in the woods. Hahah.

Nice post. All the best! A little time fixes most things.

It really does :)

I loved your pictures! I ALWAYS want to get out in nature for a good solo hike but it's hard to hike with kids (they love to doddle), can't feel that inner peace like when you're alone. I love taking my kids to nature, but your hike reminded me of the days I lived in N Ireland and got some good walks in the country. So dreary and green and quiet. I love your mountains. I'm in Ohio now. Flat, but with very Nice woods near me.

That was a nice story enjoyed the read

Thank you!!!

Hello @kaylinart! I like the topic. Thanks!

Where do you live?

As I know from TV, it really to buy a car for 200$ in USA 🚐🚐🚐🚐

What!!? 200? Haha. You could get a really bad car for 2,000. But maybe in other parts of USA?
In Utah, I think we'd have to spend around $5,000 for a car.

Sorry, that's mean I have not right information from TV and etc 🎈🎈🎈🎈

Good work on your hike! I have hiked and camped a lot by myself over the years. When I traveled for work, I'd often go early and stay late, over the weekends. And I think it's good for everyone to get out by themselves every now and again. I never had a problem with anyone, although I'm a tall woman who played rugby, so I think that helped my own attitude. @cognoscere has good advice about having some basic gear. Going to movies and restaurants alone is easy! Anyone who travels for work has had to deal with that -- nobody around you will even give it a second thought, so feel self-confident, not self-conscious! Here's to fun in your future!

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