๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Make Your To-Do List Smaller!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

in #life โ€ข 6 years ago

We often have to make giant to-do lists, with good intentions. We hope that we can get them all done but the end of the day they're not done. This leads to frustration, and we feel like we wasted a whole day on who knows what. Maybe our productivity problem can be solved by having a smaller to-do list.
By doing things in batches, and having a smaller to-do list. You can get so much more done that you wouldn't ever expect.


Adjust your focus

By having a smart to do list, we are focusing on smaller amounts of things. This makes it easier to get more done. Sitting down and writing multiple posts, is easier than writing one post, Followed by doing something different. Doing things together often simplifies and speeds up the process.

So instead of having a massive to-do list of all these little things I need to do on my business, And on my blog, going to my job, managing my employees, taking care of my rabbits, and all the other little things that I need to do. I can do one or two things, all day long. Get it all done, and then worry about a new project the next day.

Mix It Up

Doing it this way also allows you to mix things up. I look forward to the next day. Because I know I get to do something else, something different. Even though it's something I've done before, it still feels different and unique. On some days all spend all day working on my Instagram and my Pinterest. Setting up scheduled posts. Then the next day, I spend all day drawing. Or I'll spend all day doing niche research for my employees. It's fun because every day is a little bit different. I'm still able to get a ton done.

Being Overwhelmed Slows Us Down

When we have long to do list, we often get overwhelmed. Instead of starting to get stuff done, the length of list sometimes scares us. And then we do less. If we feel that something is impossible sometimes we won't even try!

If I told you to climb a huge mountain, you might not do it. But if I had you climb 20 small boulders instead, you may do it. Even if the boulders added up to the same size of the is the mountain. It's all about keeping yourself relaxed. While stress in small amounts, can challenge us and help us. We often go beyond that; it's essential to find a nice balance.

If You Finish Everything

If you are completing everything repeatedly, start to make your list a little bigger. Challenge yourself each day. But don't overload yourself! This will give you a great idea of how much you can accomplish in one day. Keeping track of how much you can get done or what you can get done in a specific amount of time over and over again, will give you an accurate idea.
We don't have to overwork ourselves every day sometimes the best way to accomplish more is by doing less.

Have you tried something like this before?

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I have literally began to ahndle one task at a time and if I have time for more, I add them in. I feel like sometimes we over work ourselves and not really give 100% to every task.

Sometimes we just need to slow down and breath

I've tried making lists, but then I forget where i put them...

The idea is that they can fill your lost moments. In the image of this fable, staging an old sage who still manages to fill a jar yet full of pebbles. He added gravel, sand and water. Morality: there is always room for small elements provided you do it right. Pebbles are the tasks of your core business and time consuming, interviews, meetings, records, reporting ... To plan on your agenda. Gravel, sand and water are more flexible actions for the to-do list. And their duration will be short, from 2 to 30 minutes.

That's something I've always done in my life, I'll make a list to go shopping and what I'm going to do. Today I do it with more emphasis because with the memory of age I fail a little.

Wise words and well worth doing. Better to complete a few things at once than partly complete all things and everything be in a mess. Too often will having a lot on your plate slow you down.

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Hi @kaylinart every day i try to find my goals and share my achievements with people near me and people that maybe need my help that's the real sense of life, i mean strike your goals and try to help others to get they own goals. Regards

I love this!! I often get into the trap of taking on more than I can handle and then get overwhelmed and then nothing gets done.

good post and nice ideas of "step by step" !

Good morning @kaylinart this is the first time I'm going to comment, I liked your post and your question is easy to answer because I am daily setting priorities, is the only way that the day fits, there are always more than do, but in this way the agenda is reduced and you achieve the goal.
Happy day:)

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