Just Let Go....

in #life7 years ago

Sometimes when we want to keep something in our lives, We hold on to it so tightly.
It drains us physically, and emotionally until we are a hollow shell.
The pain is brutal, but we hold on tighter.
Sometimes it's better just to let go of those things...


It might come back

I don't' believe in fate or anything like that. I believe that you get out of what you put work into. And what opportunities you take.
But there is always such a thing as overdoing it. Where we just put in way too much effort. That it causes issues.
If I wanted to grow my website, So I commented 1,000 times on peoples Facebook statuses, Wouldn't that be overkill?

Things need balance, And if the other person isn't invested or that opportunity can't handle the effort, You'll never get what you want.

I had to let go of my business

My drop shipping store. They owe me five digits. I'm in debt because I purchased my customers products.
I kept going despite this. It was stupid.
But finally, I had to force myself to "Let go" because the platform couldn't keep up on paying me.
Now I'm forced to wait, For over a year to get my money. This crippled me. Because I was stubborn and didn't let go sooner.
I mean, I'll still get my money, And I'll probably get my store going again once I get paid. But at a much smaller scale.
I had to let go, Because of my investment of time, was too much for the platform to handle.

Don't refuse to let go Because you have time or money invested.

Sometimes that gets us holding on to toxic relationships or bad financial investments. Because we put a lot of money or time into it.
Sometimes though it's a dead end road, And you can take out what you can and then leave.

Some people may feel robbed because of the "time" investment. But instead look at the time you spent like a learning experience. By not letting go, Things will get worse and that time you "wasted" will often grow.
You can only do the same thing every day for so long before you stop learning.
Once you hit that point, you'll be throwing time and money at something that will never pay off.

Learn, Then Come Back

If you MUST have whatever it is. Let go. Then come back later, After you've given your self a chance to look at the situation with another perspective. When we become so obsessed with something that we can't see our lives without it. Our judgment becomes clouded. Once we let it go for a while, WE gain a new perspective on the situation, Similar to those on the outside. We can then truly know if that person or opportunity is right for us.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


Thank You @kaylinart for another great post.

Your sharing really touches me in my own life and I'm sure many others.

Thanks again... UpVoted...

 ~~~ STEEM On !!! ~~~

Thank you so much !

You're welcomed... and I am going to ask for help on formatting posts when things calm down a bit.

Thanks again @kaylinart !!

No problem I can help :)

:) The cold never bothered me anyway.

I knew this was coming! LOL

Intuition or psychic connection, the world may never know. :P


More than only true words ~ Thanks for this! We often create the conflicts with our head and then it's nearly impossible to get that right again. Keeping a distance to the things that let us lose the belief in ourself is very important.

So true!!

Simple Economics 101: You can't base future spending on what has been invested in the past. Future spending has to be decided on by the merits of the ongoing proposition and the future expectations of the enterprise. Brave post.

So true! I love this comment :)

I'm glad you do.

This is a very enlightening article and a solid reminder that one doesn't have to continue down the incorrect path.

thanks for sharing I always learn from others. here you will do great!

Thank you

This is a really insightful article. I can definitely relate to having struggled with letting go of something counterproductive because I'd already invested myself emotionally or financially in its outcome. I believe this misconception is called the "Sunk Cost Fallacy."

I hope you'll be able to pay off your debts soon - with all your hard work it's hard to imagine you won't accomplish that soon. :)

cool post... truth! ;)

Thanks :)

I love this---i have just done the same...letting go of my 'yoga business' and i can't even believe the abundance of energy/prana that is flowing in now as a result! Thanks for putting voice to this for me today.

Very true the things you said! I had this issue 7 years ago, with my past job, i have invested 10yrs of my life in that shit job! Found the strength and left that every torture, actually i lost a 4 digit payments that owned me but i set my self free since then !

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