I GOT A STANDING DESK!! Woo hoo.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

Something I've wanted to do for a while...

Is get a standing desk. Instead of buying a whole brand new desk, I purchased an add on. Which allows me to keep my same desk, But it is now astanding desk. I can remove it when needed. It's nice.

After reading Get Up

I have been horrified by how much we sit on a daily basis. While I spent years with a physical job, I didn't feel too concerned, Because I would only sit a maximum of 5 hours a day, But it added up.

Get A Standing Desk On Amazon

I've been struggling to lose some pounds lately, And I decided now to make the change.


What are the Benefits of Standing?

It seems weird that just standing instead of sitting can have such a bit impact on your health but it really can.

Weight Loss

Standing burns 50 more calories per hour than sitting, That doesn't sound like much. But if you stand for 8 hours a day instead of sit, You lose an extra 400 calories a day with a tiny change. This is what got me to get the standing desk. I still do my daily workouts, but by standing, I can lose a little bit extra while a perform my daily activities.


I never realized how convenient standing is. When I'm at my desk working, Stopping and walking over to the closet to grab an item that was just purchased is a breeze. While with sitting, I'd have to go through the trouble of getting up, Then walking.
Plus, Why spend an extra 20 minutes playing a game, When I can walk over to the rest of my room to get work done. I feel like I have access to more of my stuff. If I feel the sudden urge to start pacing, I can do so. In seconds then get back to work in front of me.

Sitting feels 10x Better.

You know those rough days, where you finally get the opportunity to sit down, and it feels great! I experience that now. I do take breaks from standing throughout the day, Where I sit. ( I still feel weird about eating and standing.) It feels great! I appreciate those sitting moments more.

You feel empowered

You are standing straight up; Your desk is so much higher. I feel more confident and good about what I'll accomplish in a day! I feel like a big boss! A CEO. and It feels good.
I know weird...

You are more likely to move more

Oddly enough when your standing it's easier to kick your foot or dance a bit while you work. Sure, It's minimal movement, but it adds up overtime.


Don't make the mistake I did. While I do give myself breaks, I did too much too soon. I could barley walk this morning because I felt so sore! Lol.
So start slow and gradually add in more standing so your body can adjust. Eventually, I plan to get one of those elliptical things so I can move my legs while I work all day. So hopefully overtime I'll see some serious health benefits.

Get a Matt

It can be hard on your feet and knees if you don't' have enough cushioning. There are a ton of mats you can buy to soften that. I stand barefoot on my carpet most the day, and I feel a bit of soreness in the ankle. So a mat would probably be necessary for a lot of people.

It may be distracting at first

You may have to alternate sitting and standing so you can get used to it. Certain activities may be too weird to stand while doing them. For me that's eating, It just feels so wrong. haha. So if you need to sit for some activities.

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Awww man :( That sucks he abandoned it. did he just miss sitting? I hope I don't do the same thing.

I will ask him to report to you.

Thanks for the great post. Ergonomics are SO important. I found a majorly adjustable ergonomic keyboard years ago, and it's made all the difference in the world for typing. Expensive, but so are medical bills.

Haven't' tried the standing desk yet. Thanks for the post on that. Keep us informed on how that is going, I'd like to know. ( I have my computer, etc on a drafting table that goes up and down, with that in mind, but unfortunately ergonomics do little to curb clutter or a messy desk too heavy to lift ( : double sigh). I think the add-on is a great idea instead.

You mentioned the elliptical. Are you going to make a desk? I made a treadmill desk for a friend. Stand and walk while typing. Seems to work pretty well. Just don't fall off the back when concentrating.

I do know that when standing at the desk, putting one foot up on a small box, etc, then changing now and then, is good for the back. Wow, I wrote half a book here...

Well, thanks for the post and great advice. Full Comfortable Office Steem Ahead...

Thank you! I didn't realize how important it is until now :)
Wow!! I love that you were able to make one. I was just going to buy one one of those add on things. You can buy Mini ones hehe.

Well, make a "desk" might have been a bit of an overstep there. I took a nice piece of plywood, cut it to shape, and attached it across the "arms" of the treadmill, and then added a keyboard tray to that. Shelf above for monitor, and vwaalaah. Very cheap, and it works well. Wide enough to stack the requisite 'junk' on the sides. Wont' win a beauty award, but function over form seems to work.

Upvoted! I love my ghetto standing desk. I am way more productive.
Saving up for a nextdesk. They are the Lamborghinis of standing desks. A few of my buddies have them and they are AWESOME. http://www.nextdesks.com/

Thank you :) Standing desks are definitely funny looking haha. I have a bar desk with stools, (Not a real desk haha) Then I bought the add on to make it a "standing" desk. Its the weirdest looking thing ever haha.

OMG that next desk looks so cool and so bizarre! I love that you can change the height whenever you want!! I need one!! That L shaped one looks great! But yeah 3,300 is a bit much for a desk at the moment XD I love that you can choose the color of the aluminum and stuff! Wow!!!

Yeah the prices are a bit ridiculous, but I like to think of it as an investment in my productivity and work life :D (or at least that is my excuse for wanting to buy one) The bamboo tops look soooo clean.

What a most appropriate name for the product! Get up!

You should get one! I'm loving it so far! I can't wait for my mat to get here though. LOL. So make sure you get a mat too.

Good for you! I've had one for two years now and am very happy with it. There has been a while where I didn't use it too often, but I'm starting to use it again. I've also gotten a bike that can be put underneath it to switch between standing and cycling. That was a good buy in my opinion.

Aww good! I'm glad you have one too! Do you feel like it made a big difference in your life?

Definitely! If I think about how quickly I became tired from standing at first, after a couple of months that lessens so much. It really feels better :-)

That's so cool. I was thinking about getting a walking pad (dunno how they are called in english, sorry), but a bike might even be a better idea as I don't have too much space left between my desk and the wall.

I think cycling is a nicer way to switch it up. Standing and walking both feel too alike to me. Well, either seems fine and the standing desk is a great purchase all on its own aswell!

That's a good point. Yeah I think I will add a bike to my improve-the-home-office list.

Rofl I just saw your post and realized I hadn't driven my standing desk up for two days. Just did so now.

My boss has been using one for a year or so and I'm thinking... man I want one too! I'm moving my music gear and recording stuff up from the basement and it is going to be a standup affair!

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