How To Save MONEY On Your Next Vacation!

in #life7 years ago


Did you know that many Americans don't take vacations?
Many Americans are concerned about their job performance And don't feel they make enough money to go on vacation.

Note: The above picture, Is ACTUALLY me. LOL. And all the pictures in this post were taken by me, On vacations that I went on. Not stock photos! Haha

It makes me sad.
I know that we are always working so hard, But it's important for us to relax and enjoy life too!
Whenever I go on a vacation, I bring my frugal mindset with me!
Being frugal even on vacations allows me to save lots of money! So I can go on vacations more frequently.

ALthought frugal doesn't necessarily mean I am having less fun! I am not afraid to spend a bit more money on the things that are important to me.

Make Meals In Your Hotel

Or heck, Stay in a hostel to get serious savings. Sometimes hotels can cost 100 a night or more. Whereas a hostel can cost less than 50.00.
Going out to eat causes your vacation bill to go up fast! Cook in the hotel if you can! You can always go to a nearby grocery store to buy some food or ingredients.
You can even opt for some fresh fruit; These will keep you fuller throughout the day, so you don't eat as much.
When I stayed in Pheonix AZ, With my boyfriend. We saved money by having snacks, And we bought some canned food to heat up on the little hot plate that the hotel gave us. We went to a nice dinner one of the nights! And making simple breakfasts, from the hotel. Usually Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Because we saved so much money, Other things we wanted to spend money on, Like the Wildlife Park, And a rental car. We were able to without really hurting our bank accounts!


At the end of last year, I was broke. But I wanted to see the ocean again! ( I live in Utah) . I happened to stumble across a Groupon "Giveaway" for the same hotel we stayed at a couple of months before when we went to San Diego!
I was baffled. They gave us a discount of over 50% off PER NIGHT!
So we were able to book a second trip to San Diego. In our nice beach side room with a patio. It was incredible. And we were able to get a rental car, And Lego Land tickets, Thanks to Groupon saving us so much money. (Over 800.00 at least).

If you want to go somewhere, Check Groupon. If you don't see anything keep checking. They are constantly getting new deals!
Although make sure you check the reviews for some of the hotels. I haven't had it happen to me yet, But I've heard of some people ending up with bad hotels. So just look into it before you make the purchase. You can check sites like Yelp, And Trip Advisor.

Buy Ahead

Sometimes you can save a lot when you buy tickets ahead. This can be a bit risky though If you end up not going to the place you want.
I saved myself and my boyfriend 80.00 last time we went to San Diego, By getting the "Go" card. If you wanted to go to more than once place they'd give you a discount. So I got two tickets for San Diego Zoo and 2 Tickets for Legoland! And saved 80 on the price.

These types of savings add up quick! Always check for coupons or savings online.

Be a Woofer!

I haven't done this yet, But I hope to try it when I'm ready to go to Hawaii.
Essentially a woofer is someone who works so they have a place to stay! If you are willing to work on your vacation to earn your living place, and sometimes your food. This is a great option for you! You can travel almost anywhere in the world that you want and pay hardly anything.
What I have noticed is a lot of it looks like farm work and such! Which sounds fun because in other places they'll have exotic fruits and vegetables! So you'll be able to do something new! The awesome thing is you can usually pick to have your own cabin to stay in, Or stay in a shared cabin with other people you don't know. If you are used to staying in hostels this may be an easy option for you.



The greatest way to save money on your next vacation would be to go on a vacation to your mom's and dads and invest in stern xD
Joking of course..... Great tips for the future..
Cheers and best of luck

LOL ! Funny tips !

Gene hehe :) I don't. Have money to go on vacation(well at least not in other countries) but in return I have a lot happiness (and some cheezy jokes) :D
Are you traveling with STeven or normal funds :3

A little bit of both :) Sometimes I use some Steem to fund my vacations But I also have other sources of income.

Great travel tips @kaylinart. Another tip I can think of is to go camping as it keeps the accommodation costs right down and allows you to be amongst the wilderness. Although there is one catch - you must love camping :)

There are many ways to save money in this world, but some of the easiest things you can do are actually the most obvious and quite simple - that is if you put your mind to it, make a commitment, and strive to fulfill your goals. BTW you are looking gorgeous in the photo.

Dearest @kaylinart, you are not only beautiful, you are also blessed with brains.

Great post. Here in Nigeria, most hotels wouldn't allow you cook Your Own meals.

Beautiful picture!!

You are too sweet heheh! They don't let you cook your own meals? Why not? I hope to travel there sometime ehhee!

They make more profit by selling their's.

Wow! It will be my pleasure to see you here.

AirBnB can score you a better price than a hotel many times too

How did I forget AirBnb!? SO true! thats a great one hehe.

To save you money you can search in, this compares hundreds of prices from hundreds of websites, that way you can find your ideal hotel, at the best price, hotel? trivago

I prefer over AirBnb for longer term stays. Much deeper discounts. But sometimes getting the payment to the owners is tough. The last two stays, I tried to convince the owners to investigate cryptocurrencies.

Soon, you will be able to pay using steem.

Cool, hadn't heard of that one. Thanks

Good tips! Have you ever used expedia for booking hotels? I've heard mixed reviews on that, like the hotel itself can give you a better deal if you go directly through them.

Yes!! I always book with Expedia, But you can check the hotel website directly and see what kind of pricing they have. For the San Diego trip, It was the same price either way.

Which beach town was your hotel in? I lived in Pacific Beach for awhile. I wish we had today's internet when I was in my early 20's, would've been woofing around the world!

It was Ocean Beach! Heheh
Awww! I wish the internet came around sooner too ! There are so many great opportunties now.

I know it well. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself. One of my favorite things about living out there was the sunsets. Everyone would stop what they were doing and walk over to the waterfront and watch the sunset. Then go right back to what they were doing.


It's so easy to drop way too much money on vacations! These are very practical tips that a lot of us can use when planning a future vacation. Thanks for the informative and helpful post! :)

Thank you :) I hope a lot of people sign up, Especially if you get an extra reward! 40.00 off is a big discount too heeh.

It really is a great program. $40 is almost a full night at some places. Airbnb is my favorite way to travel

I wouldn't mind a vacation, but my problem is that the money I use to spend on such things is always money I prefer to invest. It's a miracle I have a girlfriend who understands and likes walking in the park with me. Maybe my frugality is a curse.

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