How To Make Better Decisions!

in #life7 years ago

Decision making can be surprisingly tough, With all our resources and options these days. We no longer have to settle for what we don't want. But the problem sometimes lies in the fact that we want all our choices.

Too Obsessed With Information

We could do thousands of hours of research on every decision we are thinking about making if we wanted to.
Whether to buy a gallon of milk Or why we shouldn't.
Often, We become too obsessed with information in general, We over think the whole decision, and we sometimes make the wrong one as a result.
Often our first initial instinct is the decision we should make. This isn't always true. But with researching, And getting more and more information we can often convince ourselves to go the opposite way. And this can go for all things. You may be thinking about going somewhere really far away for vacation, But you start to overthink it and end up staying home. Because you find so many reasons to go ahead and stay home.
You later may regret your choice, Because you'll realize how much fun you could have had if you would have gone.
I made this mistake with Steemfest. I was trying to get my passport earlier in the year. But the person I was dating at the time, Also wanted to get his passport. So I assumed we'd just get it together. But after knowing him for years. I knew that he probably wouldn't follow through. He usually doesn't follow through with anything. Instead of taking it into my own hands, I started overthinking the whole thing. Which caused me to procrastinate getting my passport even longer, I ended up "putting it off" too long. And It's too late. Now I'm regreting the whole thing because I want to go.

This is how an abundance of information can sometimes prevent you from following through with your goals. Knowing it was out of the country, and I'd have to go alone was scary. So my brain naturally gravitated towards the options that felt "safe" and "easy."

As a result, I am going to miss out on a great opportunity.


We Base Outcomes On Our Past

We may not realize it at the moment, But when we are making a decision, our brain is remembering similar circumstances and how they ended up treating us as a result. This is what encourages us to make certain decisions over others. Even though we think we may be making a new decision we haven't made before. We may just be making the same decision we have multiple times throughout our lives Because it worked for us in the past. Pay attention to why you may be leaning a certain way on a certain thing. And try to remember if it resembles a similar decision you've made before.

We Assume Things Based On Small Facts

While this is sometimes very helpful and can save us from a potentially dangerous situation. It also can work against us in many ways as well.
Sometimes we see one good thing and assume every other aspect of it will also be good. Such as someone's appearance.
The harsh reality is, studies show that people who are more attractive, Often get more opportunities and chances than those who would be considered less attractive. Even though appearance tells nothing about the person on the inside.
We also are great at overlooking faults when we have the attachment to something or someone. This can also apply to opportunities that we've invested a lot of time or effort in. All the signs that it probably won't work are easily overlooked. Because we don't want to believe something will not work out, If we've invested so much into it.


Decision making is hard, Luckily though by being mindful on how our brain is deciding things, We can ensure that we are making good decisions most of the time.
Laura lemonss hehehe.png


Very insightful! These are the sorts of things that lead into worry and anxiety. Overthinking, procrastinating, then regret. Learning from the errors we make so that we can do better next time is the best we can do.

You know there will be a Steemfest next year, and it probably won't be here, so best start thinking about that passport now for next year! haha

Right? It can cause a lot of unnecessary stress!

I figure it won't be LOL! So I'm already saving for it! And I'm getting my passport as soon as possible. That way I'll have it way early.

"We may just be making the same decision we have multiple times throughout our lives Because it worked for us in the past. Pay attention to why you may be leaning a certain way on a certain thing. And try to remember if it resembles a similar decision you've made before"

Gold. This whole article is well written and makes sense. It rings true for me in many ways. I often wonder how many things I have f*cked up because i just go with the comfy option. Or how many opportinities and relationships I have marred simply because they reminded me of a bad past situation.

I have post about how to make better decisions. Statistic and heuristics(it's shortcuts for brain). Those things are really usefull.

She use at this post things from social psychology. Read about cognitive biases.

"She use from this post" things from her own life to exemplify her point. No one asked you to inform them of cognitive biases. I double majored in psychology so I'm well aware

Decision is most important thing in life - I am very sad - you miss steemit fest. @kaylinart

Aww! I'll be there next year :) I Hope to see everyone I cant' wait hehe.

You will be defnitily there in next year, Good luck.👍👍👍

Rocky said that it's not about how YOU punch, but how you receive punch.(not close to source, but similar meaning)

Sage advice. :)
p.s. We gave your sister a shout out on the radio last night, M.S.P. love!

You did? I need to check that out hehe :) I'm so grateful for you and everyone else! She was so shocked when she saw how much she made hehe.

It turns out both @aggroed and I are big fans of yours! So of course we had to help welcome her too. I remember when Laura introduced everyone to Stitchy and she hangs out with us in Discord now too. One big steemit family.

Aww I love @aggroed And Stitchy :) You guys are so sweet for helping us out like that! I was bummed last night when I tried to resteem her intro post and it didn't work.

I need to get on Discord too haha.

uhhh.. yeah. Discord is the best productivity suck ever! LOL

get on there!

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Some great advice thanks very much

awww I wish you could have made it to Steemfest too! You are one of the people on Steemit that I want to meet most! :) Okay next year? Deal?

Thanks for your adviceZ Always make decisions that makes you happy. Consider yourself first before the others.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals." We should surround ourselves with people who compel us to be a better person.

How can we teach someone to be healthy if we have the same sickness as one another? Just food for thought. =D

@kaylinart thank you very much for making so many votes for my posts! Would you please add me to your witness votes also because I am giving all of my witness earnings back to advertising Steem as explained in my last post?

Why are you wasting your money on advertising.

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