How Running Keeps Me Alive!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

I've been addicted to running for the last 12 years ... No joke. I started running at just 12. I couldn't stop once I started.

At that age, I still wasn't allowed to leave the yard, So I ran back and forth in the long backyard we had. Eventually killing the grass, Causing a dirt trail in the middle of our yard. My dad wasn't real thrilled about it.

I would run in the rain, In the snow, It didn't matter what time it was, If it was 3:00 A.m. Or 9:00 p.m. I had to run, Sometimes with music. Sometimes without.

Now at 24, I'm still addicted to running, But after slipping on some ice and being incredibly sore. I wasn't able to go for my usual run. It hurt too much, And the stress of everything going on in my life right now, Was making me not even want to get out of bed.

My mom is sick, Dealing with relationship issues, And the threat of my whole life being turned upside down as a result.

I don't think about running often.

Sometimes when I see other people out for a jog, It weirds me out a little bit.
"I'm one of those people!? What!! "
It's like I'm in denial. It's become like breathing; I fully don't' comprehend what I'm doing, I just do it.

I run about 2 miles everytime I leave my house. Sometimes I go out 2-5 times a day, running 2 miles each time.

Seven days a week, With the occasional skip day.

I've become both physically and mentally ill.

I started to get to the point I couldn't get out of bed. The stress of everything was killing me. I couldn't figure out why I was struggling so much. My whole body felt limp every day; I could hardly eat, I would toss and turn, Overthink everything. Stress about everything.

I felt locked in this dark place, This cage, In which I couldn't escape. I assumed it was all the bad stuff that was happening.

Then the headache started up, A constant throbbing headache. I had that for over two days straight. My face had become so pale, and I had bags under my eyes. I've never felt so "sick" in my life, yet I didn't have a flu or a cold. I wasn't coughing, But I occasionally felt like puking whenever I forced some food down.

Then I went outside and noticed that there wasn't ice on the sidewalk. So I dragged my tired, miserable body inside the house. And got my iPod. I didn't think I would even have any energy to run, I mean I was hardly getting out of bed. But I found myself easily running; I bolted around to the point my lungs stung. Surprisingly it made me feel incredible.
I came home completely changed,

I felt the extra oxygen in my body; I felt motivated powerful! Stress was gone! I felt alive! How could a small burst of exercise after four days make such a big difference?


I run mostly for my mental health. This started when I was 12, and I was severely bullied. I ran to cope with the pain.
When you let yourself "go." During an exercise session, Your body can be put in a state of meditation. Of course, you need to do something you somewhat enjoy. I listen to my music, and pretty much black out. My feet stomp out the stress I'm feeling, It's like watching Tv. Instead, my brain is fueling that Tv. Releasing the emotion.


People are surprised to find out I'm a runner.
I'm not skinny.
I'm 5'4, and I weigh 180 pounds.
But my resting heart rate is only 55.
And I have some incredible endurance.

Sometimes It's weird how that kind of thing can work. Because I've been doing this bizarre running practice for 12 years, My lungs are strong, and I'm in good shape.

Find What Keeps you alive!

I also feel this way about art, But sometimes I need something physical. If you haven't found a sport or an exercise that makes you feel like this, I encourage you to do so. The effects are incredible.

I sometimes feel like without running; I'd be dealing with some mental illness..... I'm not saying exercise will solve the issue, But I feel like it can help prevent it.

What happens to your body when you exercise?

Lots of things happen to every area of your body when you exercise. I hate it when people say you only need to eat healthy food to live a healthy life.....
Don't under estimate the power of exercise! Seriously.

Your lungs

When you exercise you increase the amount of oxygen in your body, This helps fuel brain function. It also provides a wide range of benefits. Your breathing can increase to the point of maximum oxygen capacity. Which is called VO2 max.
People who are more fit, Have a higher maximum.

Your Heart

Your heart circulates more oxygen at a quicker pace. The more you exercise, The more efficient the process becomes. Eventually, this will lower your resting heart rate. Ensuring that you aren't "overworking" your heart on a regular basis.

Your brain

The increased blood flow, Allows your brain to be more alert and awake.
This explains why I often come home, Super charged and ready to get more work done.

Your brain also releases endorphins Which is runners high. This is often referred to, As a happy chemical. Which helps keep your mood in a good spot.

You also get a bump in serotonin. Which is a neurotransmitter that helps prevent that bad mood?

For those of you who don't exercise on a regular basis. You should try out a variety of things and find out what you like. Excercise isn't just about losing weight. It can "detox" your brain and help improve your overall mental state.


Great article, very inspiring, and keep on running! I hope 2017 is a great year for you. I really think it will be! :-)

Thank you! I hope so :) I hope its a good year for you too.

I resumed running yesterday. It's magical. I'll read your post later this week.

Thank you :) I'm glad you are running.

Thats an touching post and story about running, I hope the stress go away for you and you get a great life back...

I could use your advise, I think I have a good basic health, but yes its true it would increase ALOT if I ran.

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