Habits EVERYONE Should Avoid!

in #life7 years ago


Not all habits are good! Many of us may have a habit or two that we aren't proud of. But did you know that there are some extremely harmful habits that we should avoid completely?

Eating Healthy

Eating healthy is not only unenjoyable, but it's also bad for you. It makes most people unhappy being forced to eat healthy each day. When you can enjoy delicious unhealthy snacks and chips instead.

If you don't like eating healthy, you really shouldn't YOLO!


Planning relieves stress, And it's also a huge burden... Having to write out all the things of your day! What a hassle. Why write things down when you can easily just memorize them? Planning is a waste of time, and it takes too much unnecessary effort. When you plan your life, you are becoming so absorbed in the planning process you aren't getting things done!

Daily Excercise

Instead of exercising you can be focusing on your work and your goals! Excercise is a waste of time. It consumes your whole day and uses up your valuable energy. Then you become so tired you don't want to do anything else. So avoid the gym, And avoid exercising for a better life.

Writing Ideas Down

You should never write ideas down. When you write down ideas, you are more likely to remember them. That takes up brain space, so you aren't capable of getting new ideas.
Writing down ideas again takes time. Which ruins your chances of being successful. Besides, why would you need to write down new ideas when your brain will just keep generating new ones?


There are good habits, And there are bad habits out there. It's up to you to decide what is worth your time, And what isn't. Many of these just waste time and are overrated.

Just kidding, This post is a joke!

@lauralemons Drew me !
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im gonna die early lol

LOLOLOL such amazing circular thinking here "You should never write ideas down. When you write down ideas, you are more likely to remember them. That takes up brain space, so you aren't capable of getting new ideas.
Writing down ideas again takes time. Which ruins your chances of being successful. Besides, why would you need to write down new ideas when your brain will just keep generating new ones?"

Ok i agre here but what about TYPING them down? when i write to steemit my brain gives up the memory tothe computer! iut knows the internet can now remmber this for me!

Try tyo channel information like a mediuum where youre letting the idea flow through your finger tips and the ideas are literally staying in your hands in in your cerebellum back of the brain where motor neurons and movement is coordinated so just let the ideas type out extenraly so theyre noit ionteruptingyour cerebral cortex, let that be free toimagine all day long,

but u DO have to write down ideas sometimes or IF YOU CAN AVOIUD typing you can RECORD your ideas astext, If youre a bloggr

IF your making VIDEOS or audio podvcasts you can freakin TALK!!!!!

I now use the OK google app to record messages for me

if i could id just diocttate to my computer top type all my steemit posts but it always pauses and never leyts me flow! it NEVER keeos goig it ALWSYS stops! iutwoirks so well EXcept for that! it recognizesmy voice perfectly but its always fucking stopping in the middle of a realy god sentence! and i have to fucking start over it sucks!

but if we could just talk from now on we would have a much easier time getting out ideas

naturaly just speaing tpo the computer instead of typing
or just hire a personal assitant!

i was thinking of getting a steemit assistant job fair thing going just nwo where we could have people learn how much steemit has to opffer by working under a whale wwho has them typing out their artuickes all day and finding images to use for them, and a steemit aprentice could sit theer and realize just how much thre is to write on steemiut!

anyway we shoudl be using Ai toosl liek speech recognition to do this work but yeah a personal assistant , imagine, imagine how much work u could get done

you are beautiful and super uniue to be a girl on the blockchain, i love ur blog!

I am a good person with bad habits!!!

LOL I think many of us are ;) hamburgers are so declious.

If God didn't want you to eat cows- He wouldn't have made them taste so good!

haha cows taste good ? have u gone up to a cow and taken a bite out of one ? its disgusting , i speak from experience !

Sort of... When I lived in Texas we used to go camping and one time we decided to "hijack" a steer. We roasted it on a spit over an open fire... It was terrible!!! Beef needs to age before you cook it.

Hahaha...well how exactly this has happened?

Damn right, it's good!

Nice point! :) However, I'm sure that vegans won't accept it, so easily.

hahaha. You got jokes girl! :) One of my new goals this year is to have a healthy diet and also make it a habit to try new things!

Actually this weekend I taught my first crafting class :) Was pretty awesome. Wanted to share my wins with ya. hehe. I even wrote a post about it. If your free check it out. Have you ever taught art class before?

I know as an artist I'm always looking for new ways to be creative and also monetize my passion.

Habits everyone should avoid written in 3 words - Just wing it! Cooking healthy takes up too much time, so does exercising, writing, and planning when you can just shoot from the hip!

Exactly! LOL

:D LOL... that's my style as well! :)

Let me also add few more that came out of my mind while reading yours:

  • staying away of Steemit
  • staying away from the mountains in the weekend
  • going to bed on time (the always evergreen one:))

Habits everyone should avoid written in 3 words - Just wing it! Cooking healthy takes up too much time, so does exercising, writing, and planning when you can just shoot.
thanks for shering @kaylinart

ur so popular here...too bad you cant like have multiple husbands and just collect different men who have lots of steempower, get em to fund all ur business ideas, create a mega network of cyber slaves with you their benevolent overlord , yes i can see you could doing all of this

you will be like the girl in Ghost in the Shel the puppet master creating a massive network of people following you into this cyberpunk world

I like that one about writing down ideas. I'm in the habit of trying to keep a mental grocery list. Then I get to the store and remember the top 5 things I came for, but feel at a loss trying to remember the rest. Once a clerk noticed I was looking around like I was lost and asked, "Sir. Can I help you find something?" My response was, "Yes. Where is that thing my wife told me not to forget?" That went over well.

So I guess, bottom line, I should start writing down the shopping list. Now...about asking for directions when I'm lost? Nah...

There are a bunch of shopping list apps available for people like us.. :)

I don't know. To me using an app is too much like asking for directions. :-)

Ah... then just use your Gmail and type in a draft new email.. or just the good old paper.. :)

HaHa...I think I'll just do the opposite of the article

its all about balance in your life ;)
Great post BTW :D

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