Going To The Dump!

in #life7 years ago

I need to do more research about what happens to our trash when we throw it away. I'm already trying to cut back how much I use resource wise.
And I've been using my car to help my family recycle more, (Loading it up with boxes to take to a nearby school).
But what bothered me is when we went to a nearby dump to drop some stuff off that was left over from the property we got.

I'm sure every dump is different

But it was just sitting there.
All the trash just took up a wide span of space. Just sitting,

The wind was blowing it everywhere too. It just made me sick to my stomach that here we are disrespecting our home planet so much!

You'd think with technology our dumps would be more efficient and we'd be able to recycle more stuff! I keep hearing about new companies that are trying new ways of recycling. Which makes me excited.

Do We Need To Consume So Much?

Like the roller skate in the top picture, I mean. It looks like it's in good shape. It still ended up at the dump. Why couldn't they donate it? Even if it's match was missing, We could find a skate similar to it, And partner them up.
Do we need to replace our clothes every year? I've got clothes I've been wearing for 3-5 years still in great shape!
It annoys me the obsession Americans have with consuming. Most of the things we consume don't make us happy! So whats the point?
Back in the day, People had more durable items, They would take care of what they had, And would use it for a long time.

Be Mindful

The problem with many people wanting to do "better" for the environment, Is they do too much too quickly. So They don't get in the habit of doing things. Instead, they later give up and go back to their destructive ways.
If you don't' recycle, Start small.
If you love a particular brand of lotion or something, Buy a gallon bottle instead of a small bottle. Think of the packaging, Try to buy more without packaging. Use fewer bags at the grocery store. Little things add up. Eventually, you can move onto bigger things that even make a bigger impact. The thing I love the most about trying to be nice to the environment, Is many of the tactics you can use will save you a lot of money!

Do you need a bag?

I've realized how pointless grocery bags are since I got my car. I take the cart outside, Throw the bags into my trunk bag, Then haul it all inside in one go.
Did you know that you can keep a grocery basket in your trunk for your groceries? No more hauling in tons of bags, Hurting your arms!
Sometimes I get weird looks because when I go to the self-checkout in stores, I scan the item and just put it back into my cart without a bag. Then I throw all my items in the laundry basket in my trunk for easy carrying, Or you can use those reusable cloth bags, And they are a lot more durable!

We Have Only 1 Planet

I don't understand those people out there who don't care about the environment. Eventually, we'll be filled with trash if we keep doing this! Sure I contributed a little bit to that dump. And I felt bad putting the things there, But I still do my best. If everyone made some effort, we'd be much better off right now.

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Well, in my view, the business and industrial sector doesn't want us to have durable items anymore. They deliberately make the life shorter by either compromising the quality, which I believe has been in the case in Automotive sector since I do have some sort of knowledge about cars, or they control our minds by making us go for the newer model of an item as soon as it comes out. The mobile phone business is a prime example of that. When you just get settled using a certain model of a phone and its OS and everything, you get to hear that the new one is out already!

So yes, it's all about making money without giving two shits about the planet or the environment. This is just beyond sad, really!

Exactly! I agree with that completely. It's sad that companies just want us to buy more and more, Rather than enjoy their product longer. I would gladly pay a bit extra to have a higher quality item.
It's crazy that some people upgrade their phone every time a new one comes out, Or a new car.

Lol no offense, but you can tell you've never worked in the "industrial sector" before. People drive the demand for how products are made. If people don't want to fork out the extra dollars for the more robust item, then the companies that make the cheaper items that are thrown away ever year while the company with the more robust product either makes something cheaper or goes out of business.

Also, to a point it's better to upgrade things ever so often. Refrigerators are more efficient and cars get better mpg. The power company where I live will actually pay you a couple hundred dollars so they can take your old refrigerator because they're so dang inefficient.

Most companies now days, at least in the US, are highly driven to reduce there footprint. Every company I've worked for so far does project after project to become more efficient at what they do. Is it because they care about the environment, probably not, but the more efficient they are the more money they earn. Companies that are caught disrespecting the environment pay huge fines and loose a lot of customers. No one wants that.

If that's what the dump or recylcle place looks like where you dropped off your stuff you could probably report them. I've been to a couple of dumps and the companies I've worked for have permits for there own landfills and there is no way that's acceptable, unless they're paying someone off. Every place I've been to you'd have no idea it was actually a landfill unless you knew it was there.

Your post has been very good @kaylinart

Interesting post @kaylinart. Trash. Wow, very disgusting, ever you imagine if the garbage meets the yard, we must be dizzy to clean it up. Many teenagers do not want to do that. Have a nice day.

Hahha Exactly!

Haha,, iyah

Consumerism has gone out of hand. Products are created to last for a certain amount of time cause it doesn't bring for profit if you buy a mobile that lasts for 20+ years. Besides that we know so much about the human psyche these days, manipulation into buying products we don't need is a heavenly used tool! If we don't start thinking about our behaviours this shit will only come back at us... The planet will survive, we won't.

It has :(
Maybe as consumers if we started demanding higher quality products they'd have to change their ways. I avoid upgrading anything until it absolutely has to be. Or when it breaks and it's irreparable.

All we have to do is stop buying... But we like our products way too much. We need our flashy gadgets, our beloved meat consumption, our cheap prices for beverages and clothes behind the backs of children. We just don't want to take a look behind the curtain... WE choose to stay ignorant.

Even with the technology I read that the recycling in Ontario is actually SHIPPED to China at a loss. It makes no sense to me. This is globalism.

Really? Ugh. There has to be a better way!

Yes.. voting in people who are not in the pocket of big business. The way is to do it here; but I assume the technology is not cheap enough labor wise for it to be worth it. Thus they send it to China due to cheap labor. I wrote about how even the post office is more expensive to send locally than it is to USA and China. The reason is again the same. The sad fact is that in first world countries we still support close to slave labor, and those looking for work here are priced out.

Ugh! Not good. Hopefully we will see some sort of changes at some point.

This is a really good read. I agree with your thinking.

I agree in your opinion of humanity been consious of how they threat the only physical and tangible home for us called planet earth.it very important that we should embrace more of recycling of non biodegradable material and reduce dumping in order to avoid increasing green house effect .which is the greatest tragedy in my opinion that can be fall man in time to come if appropriate measure are not taken

Recycling waste is a positive thing to do, in addition to reducing the poverty rate, many people will get the money from the work, because in my opinion, not all rich people, there are also among those living below the poverty line.

It's a huge problem globally. Our obsession with "things" is strangling this planet. 💔

I like your approach to getting things home from the store. We use reusable bags since California banned single-use plastic bags. Years ago we were offered a choice when we checked out, paper or plastic. Paper bags were recyclable, stood up in your trunk, held more, and had other advantages. But, plastic was cheaper for the stores so they soon won out. Plastic bags being lighter, will blow away from the dump and can end up in lakes and oceans. In fact, there is a gigantic gyre of plastic trash in the ocean, called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Sickening!

I am a little suspicious of California's ban though, as I am about any new law. The bags are still available and still used by many, you just have to pay 10 cents for each one. I bet there is a bureaucracy that has shiny new offices and a staff of well-paid employees who collect that money and enforce the rules while pennies go to environmental causes.

It is sad, the state of our world. BUT on a brighter note, when I was young and studying percussion our percussion teacher would take us on regular outings to the dump!!! There we would find all kinds of interesting items to play. Glassware, brake drums, hubcaps, tins, scrap metal, and on and on. We recycled many things into beautiful musical instruments. My friend end created an entire glass marimba out of broken panes of glass... and bandaids ;) I still have some of the items.
Unfortunately now we cannot get near the dump. Too many lawyers involved to let people like me near that stuff. So instead of being used as musical instruments it just rots in landfill
Thanks for sharing

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