Everyone In The World WANTS You To FAIL.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

As I sit here TRYING to do my taxes, I can't help but to feel incredibly bitter.

Everyone wants me to fail.

I'm 24 years old, Doing the best that I can. But I wasn't prepared for any of this shit. I'm self-employed, I have my own business, I already started investing, And my taxes have already become a ridiculous mess. Hiring a professional, Potentially means YOU are still responsible for any discrepancies. Which freaking sucks.

I keep reading more and more, and like most people. I am robbed from the IRS each year, I mean can I file a police report for this? It's getting out of hand!

I feel like the whole set up of the U.S. is promising us failure.


I keep learning more and more about food... I have spent most of my life chubby and I'm fed up. But I somehow can NOT keep the weight off!

Now I see all these articles by "fasting" or having one meal a day is better for you. I see this other info about the horrible food we are supposed to eat. Or that awful, Bullshit "food" Pyramid that we are supposed to focus on.

I was raised being taught that starving yourself is the worst you can do for your body...

Who knows whats even true anymore?

I was told that shaving caused your hair to grow back faster and thicker....
That's not true either.
I shave EVERY part of my body. Including my face, Like once a month. ( I hate peach fuzz). And NO. I do not have black sprouts coming out of my face. I'm a woman!

What is true?

Yeah the above examples, Won't "ruin" my life.
But here are some things that will.

Taxes are complicated.

I wasn't taught in school how to do my taxes; I also wasn't taught by my parents. I used websites like TurboTax that simplify the process, but it's still really complicated. In school, we should be filing "pretend" taxes. As practice. But of course, the U.S. Has failed in just about every aspect of education...

We are raised as EMPLOYEES. Not EMPLOYERS

I can honestly say, Nothing I learned in high school or college, Has taught me anything about running my business. I was taught throughout the school to "Listen to the teacher."
And "Avoid questioning things."
And how to be a mindless zombie that doesn't think for me... No out of the box thinking, Just the same shitty ideas as everyone else.

Why aren't we taught how to start businesses? How to fail? How to do SEO? How to build websites? How to write blog posts, Rather than dumb formal essays that are irrelevant outside of school.

Why aren't we taught how to be passionate? Instead of more "balanced."

We aren't even taught how to manage our finaces, To make budgets. We are limited to the cooking classes.

We aren't taught what to say during a job interview, What to wear. How to fill out the paperwork for college.

Not everyone has parents, Who can teach them that.

Education needs to be more personalized, and I think depending on the area you live in would help. If someone lives in a poverty stricken neighborhood. Maybe education should focus more on dealing with those toxic people, And how to manage money.

The Government is ALWAYS working against us.

I swear whenever something is profitable, Or incredibly helpful. It quickly taken away.

But when something is harmful, It tends to stay.

Like Fluoride in our water!
Seriously. FLUORIDE ?
Recent studies suggest that Fluoride is BAD for your teeth.
Why is the hell it in our water? It's toxic to have in your body too!
It stays in our water. GET FLUORIDE OUT OF MY WATER!

Marijuana is Illegal. I mean why don't they replace the Fluoride with marijuana If they INSIST ON putting weird stuff in our water. (Okay, Probably enough Fluoride for this post XD)

What's wrong with Marijuana?

  • It's not taxed.
  • It will probably put some companies out of business. Because Marijuana has health benefits.

Recently Utah made a law over some sort of supplement people were taking. It was a healthy supplement, And many people liked using it. I don't remember what it was called, But it was taken away.

Whenever there is a huge financial benefit with something, the government wants to take it away.

Overall, I feel like we are restricted freedom wise. I always thought as a kid, Becoming and "adult" meant freedom. But in reality, I have less freedom now than I did as a child. I hope things will change that will allow us to do more with our lives. We need fewer laws And less government interference in our daily lives.

What do you think ?


I can sense that was a bit more emotionally charged than most of your posts, always good to get it out.

This will probably pain you, but pay someone to do your taxes. I used to do my taxes and I was somewhat qualified to do so, but once the day trading/real estate stuff came in (read: self empoyed/own business) I messed it all up and cost myself money. My account refiled the two years prior and got me back a junk of money when I first went to him and I'm still using him years later.

Preferably find a local account who someone, anyone can give you a reference for. Ask the owner at local coffee shops who they use if you have to, they are usually better than going to an HR Block or the like. Though those can be serviceable enough if you don't get the "new guy" lol.

If you are concerned of cost, ask for a price quote they should know what forms they will need to do based on the business activity you tell them.

@scaredycatguide I agree with you on the subject of finding a licensed preparer particularly if you own a business. I also agree that person should be local. One resource to find licensed preparers is on the IRS website. Basically when a licensed preparer applies for their PTIN, they are added to a list on that website. I would start there when researching for someone in your area, then ask about them. Spend your time developing art and product rather than wasting your time in an unprofitable area like tax prep which someone can do better in a fraction of the time.

Your right! I should find someone. I guess I get a little scared. I'm a very private person, So handing over my financial records and explaining how my business works is a bit scary.

Just going to someone even once will help you set up systems to make your record-keeping easier in the future. Think of your tax preparer as part of your business team. And as a business, you may be surprised how much can be deductible, especially for an artist and writer, if you have kept good records. Your taxes may be lower than you think. It also helps to understand the difference between your self-employment taxes and your income taxes, and mentally keep them separated in any frustration. Good luck - and once you get your system set up, I hope you'll feel a lot better!

You are sharing so much truth and wisdom in your views, thank you so very much for sharing, it is highly appreciated.

We are now in a phase of communication war all over the world as the internet's arms are reaching further and further into all kind of highly different cultures, societies and ethnicities. Where is the truth? An awful lot of critical thinking is now paramount for all of us to learn while reading between the lines of lies and semi-truth. Follow the heart, no one can make a mistake but you (If you see a mistake in doing the so-called mistake.) because it is through you experiential beliefs that you and no one else will make you move the way you do. Once learned in this fashion, you can't unlearn it as the source of that learning is tattooed in your soul.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

I love your comment :) It's so deep :)

Thank you, I'm glad you are appreciating and finding deep meaning into it. Namaste :)

Its exactly the same here in the UK. C R A P

don't let the governments get too you, you are already on your way to freedom by been on steemit/cryptocurrency you becoming your own bank. think of it this way if you don't have any association with banks and you only deal with cryptocurrencies then how they going to tax you, I'm speaking in simple terms, for example if you get a concurrency debit card and have no fiat debit card then there is no associate to tax(not to sure on the american law with crypto) but if you start accepting crytocurrencies as payment for your business then maybe, for example the IRS and coinbase senarios is a battle for IRS not sure if IRS is going to win. all I'm saying is crypto might be something to look into. look at some of these videos from Amanda Johnson, i think she is american and self banked. decentralisation is the way forward. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqNCLd2r19wpWWQE6yDLOOQ/featured

Thanks for sharing! I definitely want more and more crypto in my life.
I'm still learning how the IRS treats crypto and it seems somewhat vague.

The problem is no one really knows. Just pay your taxes as best you can and know we are all confused and in the same boat. Imagine how people who really earned a lot of money are feeling over this situation? Some people who are whales are probably freaking out right now.

Steemit should definitely make the process easier but without any guidance from the IRS you can't blame Steemit. I believe Coinbase tracks most of it though so if you have a Coinbase account, send your Bitcoins to Coinbase and when you spend from Coinbase you can export your history. There is also a site called BitcoinTaxes which might help just in case there is taxes on trading but no one really knows if there is or isn't.

What we know for certain is there are income taxes and capital gains. I think but do not know for sure that Steemit would be some kind of income tax? Perhaps like a reward from gambling or a business? But not entirely sure myself what category it falls into.

I understand how you feel. Not everyone wants you to fail but the majority of the world doesn't care if you fail. Your friends are the people who offer you help and who don't want you to fail.

And everything you say is part of the transition to adulthood. I remember feeling exactly as you are feeling right now. The feeling of recognizing the true state of the world and that society really has no purpose or plan for us. And people who do have plans for us are selfish and want us to benefit them or their agenda whether it be political, business or government.

But the only way to play the game is to help others, give gifts to others, contribute to the interests, agenda, or profit of others, particularly when they are your friends so that when you need support you can turn to some of the people you supported in the past.

Reciprocity exists, friendship exists, and some of the smartest people understand cooperation is better than competition when coordination matters.

Reminds me of Joel Salatin's excellent, Everything I Want to do Is Illegal.

Welcome to the real world. We, the people elect the government which make the rules. You remember? That is reality and we are not willing to change it. It's our fault on the end.

True! It's just really disappointing, That people drag their feet with change.

Just consider the fact that you are aware of all of this at a young age an asset.

Whatever You wanted to be learned in school,

  • Teach all of that to your Childrens :-)
  • Its not your Government, they are just peoples who call themselves educate.

If I have kids then Yes, I will be teaching them lots of financial skills lol.

That will be very sweet for your childrens
They will call you mam before mamma :-) haha

@kaylinart your quote: “Whenever there is a huge financial benefit with something, the government wants to take it away”.

As for governments, what we see as a huge financial benefit for them, they see as implementation cost. I don’t believe they want to disregard any financial benefits from the distribution of medicinal marijuana, but at what cost? For all the war on (marijuana) drugs, I am willing to bet the financial rewards outweigh what distribution would provide in taxes. The issue becomes moral, and governments lack that quality.

I live in Canada and we live quite free, but we have an elephant as a neighbor who doesn’t quite like the slim fashions we have become accustomed to. Help us build a wall to keep the elephant happy.

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