Drifting Is Ruining Your Life!

in #life6 years ago


Taking no action is often easier than taking action. As a result, when we have to make a decision, it's easy to go with taking no action at all. But this can damage our ability to be successful. We always have regrets, we wish we did this. We wish we did that. But ultimately we didn't do it. Sometimes we have life-changing ideas that can change the entire world.

A few years later, someone else comes out with some service, business or product. That was just like our idea. But the problem is we to execute it. So someone else did instead.

We all have moments where we somewhat drift.

We Are Often Afraid

We are all afraid of some things,
They can be serious, Or Quite Simple.
Personally, I'm a very shy person, and meeting new people's very difficult for me. A lot of times, our fears are what's blocking us from getting the success that we want. My fear of meeting new people is slowing me down in every area of my life. We often have fears like that. We just have to get over them.

Fear Of Rejection

This is quite a common fear.
The problem with this, Is if we don't take the chance of being rejected. We won't do anything new. We'll stay at the same job our whole life or the same relationship.
Sometimes making the first move is necessary. We can just expect our next big break to fall from the sky. Because it's not coming. This causes us to drift.

It Can Be Bold To Ask

Sometimes the thought is asking for what we want is really difficult. We are afraid of what other people think of us because of the question. But the problem is when we don't ask we don't have a chance of getting what we want. Because things don't happen naturally.
While we sometimes get lucky at times, and sometimes we get offered things. It usually doesn't happen unless we ask for it.
There is nothing wrong with asking for what you want. And sometimes it's necessary.

It's Easier To Do Nothing
As stated before, it's often easier to do absolutely nothing. Not drifting takes an effort to go against the current. While sometimes, drifting can be necessary and beneficial. It's not the good way to go permanently. Many people don't get what they want to live because they simply do nothing. And this leads to tremendous regret.

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Very true, you've got to keep moving forward, improving and doing the best you can do, otherwise you end up with lost years behind you where nothing noteworthy happened. These lost years are such a waste and they go so quickly that you look at them in hindsight and kick yourself as you wonder how much more you could have achieved.

Exactly! Those moments are always very sad when you are filled with regret.

There are so many ideas I let go off and was either too scared or lazy to execute.
And within weeks or months, someone somewhere executes I and makes crazy money off it.🤦

I've got to get rid of whatever it is I'm afraid of and get to work asap.
Thanks for motivating me Sweetie.
Love ya.

Right? I feel the same way at times. If you have ideas like that you should excute them from now on :) You may see a huge difference hehee.
I'm glad I could help motivate you too hhehe Love ya :)

Thanks Sweetie🤗.
I'm already writing them down.
You're the best.

Yes excellent post and wisely said, we sometimes fear that what might be the outcome of the action we are taking and wether it is the right timing or not or what impact will it have on community or your closed ones at any place. Good points highlighted @kaylinart
We have to get rid of the fear inside us, once its gone then it will be much easier for us in future.

Exactly! We have to sometimes take the risk anyways even though it may scare us.

Yes once we get rid of our fear or anything that bother us, the success is there at the other end waiting for us.

Exactly, you have to stand up and be counted; it’s a character flaw if you don’t act on your principles!! Fight for what is RIGHT!!!


I agree completely hehe :)

Wise words!... Okay, okay I'll get up... ;)

Lol Good !

Life itself is a risk, you have to stand strong and face it squarely! Thanks @kaylinart for the advice!

Yea. Because our destiny is in our hands .

Sometimes courage is expensive, cowardice is cheap, being brave at times can be costly

I'm a very shy person and meeting new people's very difficult for me. "This line also true for me "
The scene, your face looks really beautiful!!
Really good article......

Madam First, I want to say that there is a struggle place in life and here are some of the most important directions of life, and God has to carry these things with us, because we are doing the same things as God has presented us these things.

Many are giving motivational Islamists in this world but I think it does not matter to motivation to run a personal life or a life, because here if you have to lead your life it is your own personal and personal initiative.

I spent a lot of my life worrying about starting something; i.e. money, time, reputation, etc. I can say that I spent a lot of wasted time. Get out there and do it! Thank you, I look forward to learning more about you and your posts.

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