Are You Even Trying?

in #life7 years ago

These days we've all given up. It's strange really. We have all these tools and resources at our fingertips, and yet we seem to do so much less than we could.
It seems as though many of us are not where we want to be, Simply because we arent' trying enough. And oddly the opportunities are there.
A while back before the internet. Not having the opportunity to do the things we want was a problem. And now It's the lack of drive and consistency.

Consistency Is hard

It's too easy to get distracted these days; We've got phones with a million notifications each day, Each notification seeming like some dire emergency.
We've got a million other things we could be doing. We are busier with more and more things that are keeping us away from our goals.

You need to be okay with your efforts failing for a while

We not only have lots of distractions but we also have so little patience. And we are usually so close to our goals but often fail because we give up too soon. Usually, you will fail again and again before you finally can keep your head above water and start succeeding. It's all a process.

Consistency Beats Talent

I went to school with a girl who could draw better than me. But after high school, she pursued other things besides art. Art kept being one of my number one priorities. And I practice every day. As a result, I was able to turn my art into my full-time career while she works a regular job.
Just because there are people out there, That can do things better than you can. Doesn't mean you should give up. Not only will consistency help you improve your skills and abilities but it will also give you leverage on the people who aren't as consistent when it comes to competition.

Talent only helps a little bit.

Anyone Can Make An Effort

A lot of people try. We have to give them credit. It's not uncommon. But people often give up without long term consistency.
I see a lot of people giving up on doing Merch By Amazon. Because they aren't getting the sales. After almost a year of hard work, I'm about to be in the 2,000 tier. People don't realize that it's not an overnight "Get rich, Quick" thing. It's something that takes continuous effort.

Consistency can beat Quality

Sometimes you see people produce quality work. But they aren't consistent about it.
Sure their work might be better quality. But someone consistently producing good work often will get ahead in the end. Consistency is incredibly powerful.

We need to focus more effort in one direction

Another problem is people get bored of doing the same thing, and want to mix it up. But that's right before the success happens.
I'm feeling this with my shirt store. I'm tired, And somewhat bored of it. But if I start a new business elsewhere I would have to start from scratch again, When I'm finally pulling in money from my shirts.
While it's important to diversify, It's also important to put enough effort into a few things.

Anything that is shown consistent attention will have progress!

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Very beautiful post @kaylinart and I can say that I am ok that my efforts fall from once in a while.

Thank you :)

Your post remind me a book 'Slight Edge' by Jeff Olsen that I have recently read. The book discusses how work with consistency can beat giants (quality and talent). Following a simple daily routine without break can bring you closer to success.

I am aspirant artist who is applying these strategies to get to my destination. Your post has been an inspiration to me. Resteemed and followed for such useful infos.

thank you for this post as it was just what I needed tonight. Tonight is one of those nights where I have ''falling out'' with steemit, at least until tomorrow :) -
I guess the unpredictable'ness of it all is kind of addictive :/
This post speaks the truth.. consistency is key. It's a tough one though :O

I know what you mean! I feel like that sometimes too! But don't let yourself get discouraged!
So true!

@kaylinart, you mentioned in a previous article about writing lists. I think that writing down our goals and our task are important.

I recently heard that what is measured is managed.

It is so hard to try if
a) we don't know where we are trying to go
b) we don't know when we have arrived

Exactly! I know a lot of people struggle with those.

This is exactly what Steemit needs more of. Folks that keep moving forward one step at a time. Just keep going.

I totally agree on consistency being the hardest obstacle to overcome when it comes to achieving what we define as success. In fact, our education only prepares us to accomplish short term goals such as taking tests and exams that we pretty much don't think about once we complete formal schooling.

I feel we need to have a deeper more innate desire to do the things we want if we aim to achieve consistency. It goes beyond fame and fortune. The real driver is answering why, what, when, where, and how to turn that goal into a reality.

Motivational. I need to read more of these^. Ty!!

Hard work is always the way to do things. Most people use the word talent just to justify their own laziness not even realizing how much work and effort people throw in order to be successful. Being concistent

Great post. . Keep it up.

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