Allow Yourself To THINK! Dammit!

in #life7 years ago


People are so obsessed with distractions these days, and I'm guilty of it too. We have 5 seconds of free time and instead of using it just to think and be mindful. We immediately whip out that cell phone.
Or we watch TV.
We never just sit to think.
How do you even know if you are making the right choices in life If you are never giving yourself a second just to breathe?
Every day I'm noticing the benefits of just sitting and relaxing for a moment. To think critically and deeply about whats going on in my life.
The decisions I'm thinking of making.

You can think more long-term

People who don't allow themselves to think, Seem to make bad long-term decisions. It's easy to be presented with two options then immediately go with the one that sounds great today, And tomorrow. But it sometimes takes a minute to figure out how it will affect you in the long term.

Make Lists

Just write shit down.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, Make a list. Make a mind map. Just stop to think about things for a minute. I notice whenever I do this; I realize that the goals that I have are quite obtainable and simple to achieve. That My brain goes crazy over something that isn't as difficult as I would expect it to be. This crazy overthinking, and obsessing that some of us can be guilty of. Can be solved by taking a minute to make a list.

We need to stop being distracted ALL OF THE TIME! It's okay to sit and do nothing once in a while. It's okay just to zone out and stare at the wall. It's good for you.



I am the opposite, while everyone is always on their phones, I am always thinking and I like to think about everything which helps me have solutions to things before they happen.

You are right that people need to take that time to think and breathe for a moment.

Right? I'm the same way! It helps so much! Of course there is always overthinking though. So we have to be careful with that.

Hmmm overthinking... Oh yes! That thing I have done a lot of in my past 😂

good writing@kaylinart

Thinking is everything that a conscious mind does, from having a perception to incomprehension, from mental arithmetic to remembering a phone number or even to remember what not to remember. So basically our thinking capability makes us different from others in every way possible. It's our thinking which makes us and destroys as well.

I would like to mention a line from a poem i read somewhere,

"Take time to think, it is a source of inner power."

The more I awaken the more possibilities I see before me. There is a freedom in this, but there is also the problem of having too many options. This is why I feel I’ve suddenly become more deeply spiritual and have been seeking a connection to a higher plane of existence. I cannot navigate this vast matrix of opportunity without a little support from my guides.

The more my possibilities open up, the more I realize I have to confront my fears. With each fear that I tackle I bring myself closer to my Truth. As I allow my heart and throat chakras to connect more fully I find myself speaking up and speaking out. I find myself being more creative and exploring parts of myself that I have kept hidden or neglected through the years. I am embracing my responsibility as a co-creator of reality. I am becoming more aware of my own power to create change.

thank you <3 you are appreciated.

Is amazing how your posts usually hits me in a subject I've been thinking recently, Despite of I've make some really good decisions on the last couple of year, and have some live achievements concretely defined, I feel I've been taking wrong long terms decisions every day.

Procrastination usually be one of the more recorrente long term bad decision I've been taking so far, I usually excuse to my self that is better think more (overthinking...) in order to take better decision on start doing something I'll have to do in the long term, which usually end up with me just delaying its starts indefinitely...

I feel, that i need more time dedicated to think about things, in order to stop all this procrastinating, I mean it could be a long walk on the beach, or in the montain, or even taking a good hot shower. those things use to help me taking good decisions about what should I do next.

see ya dear @kaylinart

I like how some of the most profound words throughout history have been some of the most subtle and simple. "I think therefore I am."

@kaylinart Thank you for reminding me why I stopped watching TV 2 years ago. I no longer wanted to have TV Programming in my life. Another thing I do not waste anytime on is watching Professional Sporting Events. They have done nothing to enrich my life. I know that you are getting the bigger picture in your LIFE.

I agree with you, I like your way of thinking, now with technology we tend to distract ourselves more, I love those places that have no signal for technology, it helps us to be more relaxed and to be in constant meditation. please follow me and I'll follow you :)
I give it reestremi

Instead of driving I use Public Transit to get into the City. It is a 1 hour commute and it is the perfect time to sit and think. Meditate and even listen to music. A lot of people hate the commute but if you have someone else driving and you can sit and close your eyes for 1 or 2 hours a day this time is precious. I am so happy that I have this time surrounded by 50 people all to myself.

Lately in the mornings when I wake up, instead of getting my computer and browsing, I walk to the library to read the newspaper. It is less distracting and I can actually focus on one arricle at a time rather having to worry about distractions with online newpapapers: flashy ads, just skimming through with just a scroll of the mouse, etc

In this twitter-text high paced world I think we become more and more like ping pong balls, bouncing around in reaction to our environment... fearful that if we slow down "we might MISS something."

Well, so what? When we pay so little attention to any one thing, we will have forgotten it in five minutes, anyway... why not try to be fully present and chill out for a spell...

Thanks for the reminder.

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