in #life7 years ago

I won the 3D Steem Dollar Raffle by @daniel82 !!
I really wanted this coin...I think it's way cool ! Now I want one in all three colors lol....I wonder if I can do it again :) He makes them in Gold ..Bronze and Silver with cute little stands too !! Here is his link..go check him out ...and enter the contest and show his page some love!!



Thank You @daniel82 !!


hey kayleigh, i muted the idiot too soon! i wanted to upvote all of your comments! what was his name? cant see him now? just wana unmute so i can show you some upvote love, im glad you liked the coin! and im shocked at some peoples attitude!? They wont last long here though so we should sleep easy! Thanks so much for making the post i really appreciate it hope to see you back in the raffle soon :)

Yeah after about 34 comments where many times I lost my cool ..I remembered that I could mute so I did...he doesn't matter...I read his other comments and he is a cruel person...karma always gets you in the end...I will totally enter again I want one in each color...I think they are cool and I'm sorry it took so long to post this :) :) Thank You for the upvote :) :)


Oh I LOVE IT...LOL ..Unfortunately that is so true...Thankfully we do not lol :) :)

We deffinitly DO NOT! lol :)

Lol...AGREED :) :)

Congrats. . how did you win??.. what was the contest?

Follow the link in my blog to @daniel82 page then follow directions to enter this week and every other weeks contest..good luck :) :) I think upvoting and resteeming...if I remember correctly?

Thank you @five34a4b :) :)

Oo girl, I want too like you won... @kayleigh

click on the link I posted in this blog it will take you to his page and go to his last blog for the contest read the instructions and enter is easy to do you can enter every week until you win good luck

Ok, thanksyou nice girl

you are very welcome :-) :-)

Which links.. Link @daniel?


hey partner, please let's be respectful of one another. We are all trying to grow here and attacking one another is destructive to your rewards as well as everyone else's. We no longer need to fight over resources in this new economic environment, so hostility does not pay.

Instead upvote the content, comments and replies you want to see more of.

Sorry for the lecture, this is all new to all of us and we must be careful not to import our old reactive habits to this new revolutionary platform.

What is fishy..I entered a contest on steemit..i showed the link.... won a 3D printer gold dollar...it's not a REAL dollar...I kind of assumed people would not need me to explain that ...it's a novelty..that I and others who entered think is cool...after winning he wanted us to make a post with us holding the coin...that's all I did...nothing fishy ?

I am sorry, I jumped to conclusions. I am new here and do not fully understand the economics of this. I believe I am reacting out of cynism towards the old economic model. I apologize. I will edit the comment to reflect the updated knowledge.

I thought about what you posted so I deleted my comment ...but seriously you upvoted that comment ...was what he said valuable in all his hate torwards me...hmmmm...this isn't just appease people platform ...you have the right to take a stand on right from wrong....smh

you are right. I upvoted it initially because I thought he was flagging a scam and was doing us a favor. However I learned that I should not take hate bait and rush to conclusions. I will do my research better next time.

Thank you for the guidance. It will help me be a better Steemian moving forward.

Do you know if there is a community available for new comers so we can learn and grow and make mistakes together? or a guideline for best practices towards one another?

I am learning it as I go, but I do not wish to make mistakes like these in the future.

Thank you for your time

Yes ...there are many...I personally belong to and support #minnowfaucet...go to @nicnicy page and read all about and join...welcome :) :)

Thank you for the help

You are very welcome it really is a GREAT community :)

I removed my upvote, I will never upvote hate speech again. Thank you for the learning experience,

It's not hate speech... grow some balls! She's a scammer trying to get more people to scam.

Just stop...I went to your page and read your comments...you are an angry crass crude man who has done nothing but leave negative comments on many many pages pissing people off...bragging about stealing this account...smh...it made me laugh...you will hang yourself...

jejeje... yep! wow.. at least you do your homework a bit... I give you a point for at least a bit of initiative and intelligence.

I don't need your point for initiative or intelligence. ..I know I'm intelligent. ..it's yours I question...but I'm not mad you...you have to own up and live with your hateful ways...you can continue write your crap...this is my last response to you...have a great life :)

Just out of curiosity. .what's clear in the post?

It's clear that the coin is BULLSHIT and she is a fucking scammer trying to get people to another scam account to pray on fools like the fucker above me who think that this is a kind community of people sitting around a god damned campfire singing Kumbaya when clearly he is delusional at best.

Oh and so what I'm fat ...at least I'm kind...where is your picture hot stuff...I hope you're blazing HOTbecause you're personality sucks!! Try being a little kinder ..it wouldn't kill you!!

If that's you in the picture - you are fat. Don't kid yourself... I suppose now I'm not allowed to have an opinion either... because of your feelings.

Um no ...try actually reading what I said "and so what I'm fat"..so A. I acknowledged it ..not denying...and B. You are incapable of hurting my feelings...so don't flatter yourself ...you must really hate yourself to be such a prick. Try Jesus...or therapy at the very least...this was supposed to be a happy post for a nice guy...and you turned it into some Jerry Springer garbage...shame on you! Karma will catch up with you buddy..brace yourself..

I don't believe in karma and I don't believe in god... Maybe god can help remove some of the fat from your body and maybe god can give you some real friends.

I am not a scammer...if you took the time to not be a judgemental prick and looked and my history on here you would see that....I am as genuine as they come...it was just a fun novelty ..

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